God, make an arena in vanilla
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+1 for all vs all
PVE or deathmatch with hardcore rules :)
Make sure your WoW directory is not set to read-only.
Dear Staff, hello
You got this brilliant idea to bring back classic wow and now your making it happen , thank you am sure it will be a hell of an experience. i want to make a suggestion that i think will make a lot of people happy & experience true wow like back in the day.
first i think Marketplace should be similar to Lordaeron (no pay to win items ) or at least till we progress to tbc then y can put vanilla items in shop so we can experience true wow & so on when we progress to wolk y can put tbc items in shop aswell ,i mean we wish if it will be similar to Lordaeron all the way through tho :)
finally when we progress to Wolk end game i think we would like you to keep a marketplace similar to Lordaeron pls we already have icecrown for that & i think most of us have a ton of charcters over there that used marketplace there.
& last & it a very important wish i think Arena & bgs shouldnt be crossrealm at all !! when we reach Wolk we don't want to go against people who used market place in other realms!
in general what am asking is to keep the realm as classic & unique as possible please ! that the wow i would like to play :) also keep the server do not end it like frostmourne !
thank you
That was it! Thank you so much appreciate it
I...can't believe you've played on Warmane, much less any private server, in the last decade with lines like that. This does not reflect any server I've experienced.
Yes, because Lordaeron is vanilla-TBC-WotLK progressive realm. /s
People should come to terms with x5 being the "standard" or highest you'll get. Players then can adjust their own EXP rates to lower, if they want that. We know that many of them won't end up doing that. Throwing their arguments down the drain. If you want YOUR journey, YOU can do it with yourself and other hive minded players.
Why is x5 overkill for vanilla? Is x5 overkill for TBC or WotLK then? Is the level1 to max level supposed to always last specific time or something? Why should leveling last that long for all?
If you feel x5 is overkill, I hope you'll use adjustable rates then, just as any other rate complainer.
First Ty all staff for new progress realm project.
I’m fine with x5 exp and so on but please to join RDF the char MUST have done the attunement (i.e. scholomance key, scarlet monastery chat, Ubrs/ Lbrs).
Please keep onyxia attunement too or lot of content will be skipped by everyone
It's in STV.
Of course!
I've had plenty of people willing to come when I am ganked repeatedly, but that doesn't make the experience of a person getting killed in STV/Tanaris every few minutes by max characters any more enjoyable. I started WoW in Vanilla, on a normal realm. I enjoy PvP, but only when I want to play that. When I join a bg I wouldn't care if I got repeatedly killed by the other faction, but most of the time I play now I just want to level alts, farm profs, or do a bg/raid. Lordaeron and Icecrown are unplayable for my playstyle. I have maybe 2-4 hours a week to play a game I've enjoyed for about 20 years, or any game. wPvP is of no interest to me because no one fights fairly. People only attack if they have hundreds of points of gs higher than their victim, or tens of levels. Rarely do I ever encounter someone on equal footing, and if I do I am faced with 2+ max level characters to contend with for the next 30+ minutes because some people can't stand losing to an equal. I don't play here anymore because they don't offer a server that allows my casual playstyle and very busy life. I game to escape the stresses of my work and life, for an hour or so a couple times a week, I am not trying to be unnecessarily stressed during my downtime, defeats the purpose of downtime. If this server doesn't go live as PvE I won't be here, again. Frostmourne brought me back, Onyxia could keep be back for years...
I'd say keep attunement only for endgame content, attunements for pre 60 dungeons on an x5 realm are unnecesarry. There have been plenty of servers with authentic vanilla content and i think majority of people already did it. I personally like the idea of a vanilla realm with x5 rates and quality of life changes like lfg and dualspec, this game doesnt really need another "no changes" fresh server.
There's a reason it's overkill for vanilla. There aren't as many things to do in Vanilla as there are in TBC and Wrath. The biggest thing in vanilla is leveling from 1-60 in the first place, so if you take that away, then there's hardly any substance left besides end game raiding. Vanilla raids are the easiest raids in existence, as a matter of them being the first raids ever created, so higher rates on vanilla will lead to the server dying much faster. The end game of vanilla will go stale a lot quicker than it does in TBC / Wrath, so lower rates help lengthen the time of enjoyment. As I've said before, the reason lowering your own rate isn't a great excuse is because it incentivizes everyone speed running to end game as to not get left behind or have to deal with people who rush to 60 in order to grief lower levels. If you don't like leveling in the first place, I'd argue WoW isn't the game for you. Why have levels at all and not just skip to 60 with that logic?