this will be pvp or pve realm?
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Any idea how long the beta will run? Rough estimate? Will the beta have different stages like instead of lvl 60 testing, reset to level 1 start and have people try that for a bit?
People really seem to love vanilla while saying how terrible it is in the end.
Lower rates would mean you get ganked more, since you level slower. Griefers would love it even more. Would also wager that would force people to choose meta classes more, as who would want to spend a month leveling only to be told "No, shouldn't have made dead class" at the raid entrance.
Raids, pvp, reputations, mount farming, pet farming, doing all the quests, professions. It's not only raids at max level, it never is. With higher rates, rolling an alt doesn't sound so tedious chore.
Lowering rate isn't great, because people would level faster and then maybe proceed to grief? Maybe during the first few weeks. After that it's business as usual. Or do few quick 60's first and then make alts with x1.
People enjoy different things, so you shouldn't assume lower rates would lengthen the time of enjoyment (leveling). It would only lengthen one aspect of the experience.
Tell me you've never played vanilla without telling me u've never played vanilla
Terrible takes; most of yall should just wait for the WOTLK and play it for the 100th time i
did you play vanilla 2003 and 2018? please tell us what happen back in 2018 with vanilla classic super hard content.
what the hell is wrong with server geting "locked account but can be unlocked " :D playing with 2 accounts in same time for crafting on onyxia and just got locked account :D
No worries...real life is similar for me. If I'm "outside" I'm always scanning, always watching people for threats. That level of anxiety and paranoia is exhausting. Sometimes I play games that have an aspect of it exposure therapy...but most of the time? I just want to escape and relax. These wPvP ganker chads don't care. They just wanna find an easy mark to victimize.
i have a suggestion on this excellent realm. As with many successful vanilla realms, u guys need to think about making Hard Core characters rules. it makes all the vanilla maps alive. u will always see a lot of characters running around in all maps and the realm never dies in the long term. many current vanilla is alive just because of that. even blizzard vanilla is alive like this. think about it. it makes many hardcore players enjoy it join the server and even make and play the game for more fun and challenge.
I dont know man, ive been playing vanilla past 5 years and i couldnt agree more with him. I dont have the time to sink on 1x server to do all the **** anymore. Warmane's onyxia is a great alternative. If you dont like it, why dont u go to 1x server somewhere? there are plenty of them. Stop gatekeeping other people, thanks.
OK here's another idea. Reduce the raid reset frequency from weekly to every 3.5 days. So you can raid the same thing twice a week. This will encourage alts because you can gear up characters faster. More alts = more population leveling + more active raiding
@WM staff: I swear on the head of Freya that all the content has been tested! Everything is wonderful, all the bugs are funny and lovable, classes could be unbalanced but only few gamers know how to play so... Pease give us a date f
or the good heart of the Lich King!!!
yes, we are all looking for a date for alpha and the big start. I think all of us can handle a few bugs during the progress day. u guys can fix step by step in the way of server progress just bring it faster a lot of us cant stay longer than this :D
Ye, game is already in very playable state. Probably there are still some minor bugs that are hard to notice but thats normal even in full versions.