can devs PLEASE PLEASE make hunter ammo stack x1k, lock soulshards stack x8 and available food and drink lvl 55-60 from tbc. PLEASE
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can devs PLEASE PLEASE make hunter ammo stack x1k, lock soulshards stack x8 and available food and drink lvl 55-60 from tbc. PLEASE
I'm going to play here regardless but I would love to see all specs at least somewhat viable. Very small changes like giving prot pallies a taunt, ret some kind of filler, boomies/spriest dropping the mana cost a bit some they don't oom too early in the fight. Nothing game breaking or meta shifting mind you.
I am so hyped to play here, great job guys! Can't wait!
Hunter ammo vanilla stacks are fine in vanilla. Making them 1k was just the step into removing them completely...they became a thing you didn't really watch as closely and top off every time you hit a vendor anymore.
For Warlocks, my biggest complaint with Shards is when they act like conjured items (and vanish if you log off for more than 15 minutes). I can't remember if this is the case here, or in vanilla (haven't tested it in the PTR)...but making them non-conjured is the major change I'd make (if not already)...Let's people choose when to farm them they can do it before they log off instead of having to always log on early to do so.
Food and Drink being...less than higher gear levels was always bad in vanilla. I'm not sure if giving access to TBC consumables is the answer, but it can be something to look at...but those items are SOOOO good that at lower gear levels, you use them for 5-10 sec and you can go from that's something to consider as well.
I'd also like to see balances that make more specs/classes "viable"...I think removing the debuff limit is a great start, but yeah...there's other things that probably need to be looked at as well.
Will race,name,factio change be a thing one gets with vote points or coin and will it be available from the start or will it be introduced in tbc/wotlk ?
it took me1:43 to spend 50 arrows. the quivers and pouchers are a thing here. 1k a step to remove? they stack 5k and people spend it in wotlk
Please start phase 2 of the beta. We promise we will work really hard to find bugs and when we're 60 we will be doing the same testing as now anyway
Yes, the way ammo went...first we had stacks of 200. Then it increased to 1000 in TBC. Every expansion got bigger quivers/ammo bags. They couldn't get a compelling mechanic they had planned to implement in Wrath to make Ammo "fun" to work, so finally, Bliz decided to remove the ammo mechanic all together in Cata. The increase to 1k stack sizes was the first step in the progression of the Bliz Devs deciding to remove the ammo mechanic entirely. That's what I was trying to allude to.
* Wrath...the increase to 1000 was in Wrath.
Arrows stacks suggestion is still a great thing. I don't see why would it cost any problems, would be a great qol change.
could we maybe have a progressive xp rate? 1x xp first month, 2x next month, 3x next month up to 5x. that way i think more ppl will be happy.
people is happy now in the beta doing bgs and raids
No ppl wont be more happy, actualy ohterwise. You wanna play x1 ? Good so go play it on x1 if you care so much. There will be enough ppl like you so you wont even notice other ppl lvling faster.
and soulshards, the stack is really important, besides the bags for locks, wich is kinda silly because it has no more benefit like a quiver o a pouche