people who are crying because there will be no belf/draenei/dk in vanilla just need slaps in the face.
people who are crying because the server will be pvp need them too, and they will get them.
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people who are crying because there will be no belf/draenei/dk in vanilla just need slaps in the face.
people who are crying because the server will be pvp need them too, and they will get them.
getting lvl on x1 is boring, while on x5 after a month people will want wotlk.
That advertisement that it would be vanilla was to attract more players?
i only know they say 1st: "progressive realm" and "client 3.3.5", "talent and spells classic". then they said VANILLA. what would be your assumptions?
How will raid loot work? Since each phase only lasts 3 months, is that enough time to gear up for the next phase?
the season lasts for ~3 years
X5 rates are great. There is people who have full time job, and things to do irl. X5 is perfect so you dont lose too much time on leveling. Can't wait for release.
I love the discongruity in the debate between the XP rates, and the PVE/PVP.
"No one's forcing you to play at 5x, if you want the slower leveling experience...the player has full ability to choose the rates they want to play at, from 1x to 5x."
"You don't want to PVP? Too bad, you're going to get slapped in the face! No choice for you! Sure, if the server is PvE you can CHOOSE to flag yourself, but no, we're going to force you to so we can slap you instead!" (enjoy your power fantasy at the expense of others.)
I don't think it's a good idea to have x5 in a server that will progress through 3 expansions. People are going to hit max level in each expansion in nothing, even with alts, and get bored quick, especially for the vanilla content. Assuming that the progression will last 1 year for each expansion, there will be more than enough time to level your characters even if it's x1 or x2. Imo, x3 would be a good compromise
To be completely fair, this is simply one side of the coin. Implying that PvE players will literally quit the server if it has PvP enabled is no different than saying that PvP players will quit the server if PvP ISN'T enabled.
Raiders still have the ability to raid, and PvPers still have the ability to do Battlegrounds. Both are instanced, and you'll never run into the "other guy" while doing them.
However, there is FAR more PvE content in the game than there is PvP content. Many players who enjoy PvP cite world PvP as their favorite variation. If your argument really is that many players will "quit" if the server is PvP enabled, you're simply not accounting for the other side of the debate.
I'll play either way, but player retention will be higher on a PvP realm. PvP realms offer the most variety of content for players to experience.
PvE still allows you to flag yourself and participate in "World PvP" if/when you want to...the only "content" PvP realm rules add is the ability to force yourself on people who don't want to play with you. That doesn't sound healthy to me, but you do you.
That's only vaguely, if dubiously true, in case a) you somehow convince yourself that "getting unwillingly ganked" is content and b) you ignore the fact PvErs in general don't care for what you call "variety," or only really do battlegrounds and arenas.
If you look at PvE servers in their concept, they are the ones that offer not only the same variety of content, but also give each player some autonomy to decide how they will have their own fun. The only problem is bizarre human behavior: all PvPers will paradoxically tell you that if they can turn PvP off they will, followed by complaining that there's no PvP.
To be semantic, "getting unwillingly ganked" IS definitively 'content', though it's not 'content' most players enjoy. That being said, a ganker's 'content' is the act of committing a gank. By removing that, you're removing THEIR ability to play the way they want, no?
I'm not a lover of being ganked, nobody is. However, I'm not going to say that my desire to not be ganked should remove someone else's desire TO gank. It's just "my way over their way," as is most discussion in here tbh.