We're listening to feedback and comments, but we have no intention of letting the community decide things with a poll.
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We're listening to feedback and comments, but we have no intention of letting the community decide things with a poll.
I don't know...setting the "default" rate to 2x or 3x, but allowing people to increase it to 5x (like on the PTR the default is 5x, but you can set 10x or 50x)...it's an interesting conversation, even if a poll isn't used to decide the "default" rate.
How many people would realize they could get a higher rate and switch? Would they get to 40 or 60 and feel cheated or manipulated when they finally learn about it? We know the average player is dumber than a pile of bricks, how big of a difference would this make in the server feel? I don't think I've ever seen a server have a lower "default" rate with a higher rate readily and freely accessible.
Welp, i am losing interest faster on low rates (x1-3) WAY faster because i dont like leveling (it is boring, okay?), i prefer high-lvl content such as dungeons, instances, high-lvl battlegrounds and arena. And i am not alone who thinks that way, you can clearly see that on any server who has x1 and x5+ realms: x5+ have the highest amount of people online.
I think Icecrown most popular due to transfers from frostmourne and it's much easier to put on the right gear on Icecrown. But Onixya it is a PTE , where u can catch up players even with low rates
You must be new here. Icecrown has had the 12,000 pop for years. It was 12,000 before Frostmourne was even announced. The high pop has nothing to do with transfers from Frostmourne.
As for "easier to put on the right gear" are you talking about the Donation Shop? You realize this will also be a thing on Onyxia...guess that doesn't help your argument there either.
Go back to the drawing board kid...you need better ideas.
my guy Icecrown has had the most amount of players before Frostmourne even existed
ikr, as someone who was around couple years before frostmourne s1 i can accuratley say peak eu hours was and still is max pop on the server.
Not to mention the 3k server queue back then (prior to covid so morons dont bring that up as an argument) compared to today where its just a few 100.
First of all, 5x rate is not that fast on vanilla standards. Those who say so must have played very little vanilla. People lose interest very fast on projects like this if they can't get to end game in time or end game doesn't progress quick enough due to slower leveling, especially when a lot of the playtime on Warmane involves alts. I'm currently leveling on 5-50x on the Beta server and even now I'm a bit bored of the leveling on the test realm.
Let's say average playtime for 1-60 at 1x rates is 5-7 days in-game play time, so I think at 5x rates a few days of /played is a good balanced approach that keeps people interested and rolling alts.
After all, the leveling part is only going to be fun for the first month. After that, people only look towards the next tier content / phase and gear up alts.
There`s no way in hell that letting xp rates be x5 will damage the server or experience in any way, classic leveling sucks , it`s slow , it`s been done a thousand times by everybody. Make it changeable x1-x5 and let people play how they want, nobody should be capped on x1 if some people prefer to grind their minds away for hours. If leveling like in
https://www.warmane.com/ would be the 1st place for you to see it.
i have no idea why u talking like that and call me kid, but i talking about difference between x1 and x5 where on x5 you can catch up players faster coz of rates. U should stop gaslighting people and please never talk with me, I already made my conclusions about you last time. And yes, I'm a new
When you spout (incorrect) facts like a fool, you get called on it and treated like one.
Thank you, next.
This 3.3.5a client that is not HD is so amazing... after HD client and CLassic client it feels like genuinely better