1. XP gain in Northrend

    I don't know if it just feels weird to me or if mobs just don't give that much xp anymore.
    I play on and off every few evenings, so I'm rested all the time. Currently 71 on my ppaladin. When I queue RDF I barely scrape 10% off my rested xp in an utgarde run. Had a blast leveling with RDF up until now. Now I just feel like I'm wasting my time with dungeons :(

  2. You feel that way because it is. When Blizzard released WotLK, they would decrease the XP required to hit levels. For example:
    In Classic you'd need 209.800 XP to go from level 59 to 60. In Patch 2.3 you'd only need 172.000 XP for the same level, which is an 18% decrease in XP needed to level up.

    Then in TBC, you'd need 650.300 to go from lvl 63 to 64. The same level is only 386.000 in later patches, which is a ~40% decrease in XP needed to level up.

    Then around lvl 69 you are almost at the same amount you needed pre WotLK and the experience you need per level between 71 and 80 increases substantially, which is why you feel leveling is slowing down. It's just the normal experience in Northrend.

  3. It's the same with every expansion, you level up really fast until you get to the current expansion content, which I suppose they want you to "enjoy"

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