1. High Executor Darthalia was killed and did not respawn than

    Yesterday, someone killed High Executor Darthalia in Tarren Mill.
    I was waiting for 2 and half hours, but she did not respawn.
    Now I traveled to tarren mill again and she is still not here.
    There must have been some kind of bug i think.



  2. And it is on Lordaeron btw. My bad

  3. still not there, i have like 3 quests to turn in

  4. She isn't actually dead from what i heard. One of the ally's apparently dragged her away by just kiting her which f'ed up her respawn. Shes just hidden in the wild. Heard a lot of ppl already opening tickets. Lets hope this gets resolved soon

  5. You can open a ticket in-game if she's bugged underground or not in her proper location. But if it's a matter of a player killing her, you will have to wait the respawn.

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