This was probably asked already but please add the ability to use one email for multiple account with the + in the email. With googles plan to deactivate inactivate accounts I would like to have access to my accounts here secured to my main email.
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This was probably asked already but please add the ability to use one email for multiple account with the + in the email. With googles plan to deactivate inactivate accounts I would like to have access to my accounts here secured to my main email.
i finally got all 3 of my accounts authenticated took some time and effort maybe it wont happen too often
What is the expiration time for the codes? I had to enter codes twice within 5 minutes because the first one was invalid. Specifically, the website seems to complain; I can login to the game client fine.
11:43am UTC+10 - First code received, INVALID (website)
11:48am UTC+10 - Second code received, VALID (website)
12:15pm UTC+10 - Third code received, VALID (game client)
Cant access my second account anymore ..... I still have the password and accountname but i dont remember my email.
Already wrote an email. But i would greatly appreciate if you could disable the new security for a few days so people like me who dont read the website and got surprised by the new measures have time to fix things and can change the email.
I cant access my account, cant access my guild bank, cos a friend of mine made the account years ago and stopped playing, but it was an unlocked account, so was never an issue..... Thanks.... You guys just locked me out of playing at all on all my ''new'' toons.... no enchanter, guild tank, new alts. This is so ****...
An email containing the new code has been sent to your registered email inbox and I can't even use my Google account!Are you asking me to give up on this?
Maybe you are right but in the event that Google decides to kick the Molten from the Authenticator app half of us players will have to forget about their accounts. Same for Microsoft or other authenticators.
I am too very sad to see so many messages here from people who are locked out of their accounts. :/ Molten should definitely test things out before commiting.
Test..what exactly? It's the exact same 2FA, but no longer optional. You had DayS to fix the mail(s) of your account(s). How that's staff fault? Less ignorance please
this is really annoying that you automatically enabled it for both in game and website at the same time.
I can't even remember what was the email I used for my account in the first place to be able to log it and give the authentication code, it would be really nice if you disabled this for the website, for the next couple days, let people at least check which mails they used for their accounts.
the code isn't sent to email. dude.
I think they're trying to get me to quit the game.... It sends me that the code has already expired when it just arrived and then that it is incorrect, then I don't get anything, this is annoying.
can the admin allocate the normal system like it was before? Give the choice to people who want to keep it more secure, the rest of us are happy the way it was, if we need more security we can always sign up for it on the site. This new way sucks, forcing upon ALL of us the same security that's annoying and we're not used to it. It keeps asking me of authenticator code in game but does not send any code to my email to login with.
It's interesting how one small change makes the entire game so problematic and annoying to even continue because 10+ characters in each account now can't be accessed because someone wanted to forcefully put security that I can't manage over all things. I should have a choice if I want more security or not on my account(s).
Hope the admins realize 11 pages worth of complaints and concerns have been posted in 6hrs isn't in favour of this forceful-decision, it'll get a lot worse, esp. during the peak hours. For now I suppose I'll check back tomorrow since as of yet it's not working AT ALL.