I don’t remember my email and can’t log in through two-factor WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!?
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Can only login on website i dont get a code for the game. thank u Warmane. u made my Life better without WoW.
why do u force People to use something like that authentificator without prior advanced notice.
If you dont care about ur players like that have fun alone.
" Plenty of services other players already mentioned, such as Discord, Steam, and many social platforms, use the exact same type of "are you really you?" confirmation sent as a code to an email or phone number. This isn't an exception, but what's becoming the norm. "
None of the listed above are FORCING YOU to use 2F authenticator to use their APPLICATIONS.
People have their choice to opt in and use it or not its their decision.
I honest to god have no idea which one of the staff members decided to bring that up and be like hey that would be a great idea lets implement that potentially losing big chunk of people's accounts and flood the email of support for the next week or two.Look at the players/community backlash its literally speaking for itself what the community wants i have no idea why its still a thing after more than 30 pages of people hating the idea of it.
Bring back the old method of selecting it if you want 2F and get rid of the staff member that decided that.
Unless you're a time traveler, no, they didn't delete anything for inactivity, because they haven't started doing that yet.
This is here to stay, the faster you get through the five stages of grief, the better.
Tried logging on client but I got prompt by the Authenticator Code but where do I get that generated digital code? Checked email, got nothing logged on Warmane website, got the email code to sign in webstite, but how do I get the code to log in the client? This is super annoying..
A simple solution for this whole mess is to have this 2FA thing as a MUST when logging on website = no acc steals or for whatever reason this is made up, while when logging in game having it as either optional or turned off. 95% people from this topic are against the rule to have this forced logging in game as you can see and I am one of those as well, people want to log in game and play, not additional hassle every time when logging in game.
SOLUTION = having it as a MUST logging on WEBSITE = no way to steal accounts etc = perfect security measure, while when logging IN-GAME = optional, no hassle/stress for all the people.
Most likely GM's/moderators are not going to listen, as it has been always like that, but that will just result in the whole lot drop of a playerbase, especially on the long run, cause no one wants to enter on mail every time logging in game with different IP/location.
This is a total disaster. You will lose half of your playerbase and annoy the rest. If you have any sense of self-preservation, you will make 2fa optional.
Promise? I'm really hoping this filters out some die hard cookie cutter thinkers.
Can we get at least like another week without to change our email adresses?
The 4 days advance you gave us were short, i wasnt playing all weekend and even if i had i might not have checked the website in those 4 days...