no offense but i think u're missing his point. and your points are neglecting the obvious context of the original post on the first page.
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no offense but i think u're missing his point. and your points are neglecting the obvious context of the original post on the first page.
Ngl i feel like since this thing the players on blackrock are pretty low, maybe im wrong but feels like it tbh
I made a request to change my email, How long should I wait for a response from [email protected], 3 days have passed
That depends on how many tickets were opened before yours, since there's a line that will be respected. Support will reply when your turn arrives.
i feel we all agree to say the attitude of the staff is kinda arrogant since many of us dont use gmail as main mail adress, and also the fact u have to create a gmail account for every different account is very annoying why cant we have 1 mail adress for several accounts account in my case i have 3 different account with 3 different gmail adress that i created ONLY to play on warmane so it make sens i lost the password since i've changed computer. and also i come bk from a 2 week vacation so u gave me no time to update my gmail and on the top of that i think the staff will take a really long time to change my mail since they are overwhlemed by request , i dont really know how will figure this out but for sure u'll loose a lot of active player
i get code activation to log in on website , but when i wanna log in on game , i barely get any code auth for me to enter , any fix to this ?
let me show u what arrogant is, read the first post first before showing your stupidity like that LMAO
But in this case, let's say we want to enter a building and they gave us a key to enter it. For 15 years, the building owner doesn't require any key to enter the building and they decided to require a key to enter the building in only 3 days notification. And the building security won't let anyone who doesn't have any key to enter. Some would have lost their keys. At least give more time for others to make the keys. And why warmane gave 3 days and not doing it instantly? It will be fair all.
u're missing the part where u live rent free in that building for 15 years.
What bothers people is that they have only given 3 days, there are people who play other things, work, study and in those 3 days you cannot follow the server, the old people do not have 1 or 2 accounts, they have 5, 10 or 20 accounts
3 days are insufficient to make a change like this for all the people on the server
"Update #2:
Restrictions on what emails can be used have been lifted, this allows using your desired email provider." threw away the keys for some of the accounts. And yes, temporal mails were used..not because we don't value the accounts, but because some of us didn't had opportunity to change all of their 30 account addresses to gmails. Believe or no there is limit on how many accounts you may have per phone number and in some countries the registration wasn't allowed without such confirmation since forever.
This change should've been added before the accounts were locked, not afterwards.
No, it isn't, because either people hadn't been negligent with their accounts and had access to all emails involved or they didn't. There's no "they kinda lost" or "kinda forgot" that more time would make a difference - and if someone really "kinda" forgot or lost, it means they can remember or find it, yes? People who didn't care enough about their accounts to keep such crucial information like the registration email would need to contact Support to fix that no matter how much time was given. More time would only really benefit scammers and account thieves, who would have a deadline to rush for.
There's no excepts and no buts. Creating accounts with email addresses that were thrown away should never have happened in the first place. Don't try to shift the blame of your negligence. The only thing you could remotely blame us for is not doing this sooner.
Yes, it's our fault that you had this gmail-only restrictions for years for every new account, then lifted it few hours after the accounts were already locked.
Allowing multiboxers in past, 40 accounts. I had to buy..4 phone numbers just to secure my warmeme future for hilarious fails like this one?
The whole execution of the process was wrong, but you won't admit it. That's for sure. It's our fault. But nobody cares. You will do what you can do and we will complain, but the outcome will be the same.