1. Second beta phase

    So Considering it's been two weeks since the second beta came out, The official release date is near then? ( Fall maybe?)

  2. I'm curious about what sort of correlation you see in any of that.

  3. I'm curious about what sort of correlation you see in any of that.
    Umm, Nothing. Just had a quick guess, a Shot in the dark maybe:)
    (just said that based on the first beta took 1 month-ish)

  4. Umm, Nothing. Just had a quick guess, a Shot in the dark maybe:)
    (just said that based on the first beta took 1 month-ish)
    Who said there won't be 3rd phase?

  5. Who said there won't be 3rd phase?
    idk there was said there'll be two phases only.

  6. idk there was said there'll be two phases only.
    I don't recall anyone saying there'd be only two...only that during the first phase of testing it was mentioned that there was already a second phase of testing planned for the PTR (which we are currently in). There could be more phases of testing if they feel certain areas of the game need more testing/attention, but I'll agree it didn't sound like there were any plans set in stone for additional phases at the time, just the possibility was left open should they see the need.

  7. Who said there won't be 3rd phase?
    There was a response in some bugtracker report that after phase 1 there will be a 2nd phase atleast, and maybe a third. So its valid to believe that phase 2 is the last one :D

  8. I'd have read "and maybe a third" as... there might be a third, but that's just me.

    The number of betas will depend on the results of any previous ones, really. As they are open betas, players aren't being directed to testing anything, but it could happen that something the developers want tested is avoided, so something more focused is done later. Or everything will be done with this second one and a launch date will be set for after any major bugs are dealt with.

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