1. Add blue flares


    Add blue flares to the shop as a recipe

    - Colored flares are useful for explaining tactics
    - It already exists in WoW at wotlk time
    - It's not gamebreaking, just a little fun extra

    thoughts ?

  2. It was in beta, but never made to live.

    Rather niche need for it. If you want more color pointers for raid tactics, use more than one color, or more than one flare.

  3. I added the potential utility as a bonus, but the primary goal would just be to have a little fun way to show off

    Most miscellaneous items in the shop have zero need, they're here for people to have fun while supporting the server (ex: TCG items).

  4. It seems a good idea to me with no apparent downside.

  5. The only "downside" I see is the 10 minutes of labor costs it takes to add it to the shop...

    And that's not really a downside, since the first purchase will more than pay for it.

  6. They might as well just make red flares more accessible instead of needing to implement blue. Pretty sure nobody would get hurt if they just made the tbc vendor sell unlimited red flares instead of 3 every 10 minutes or how long it takes for him to restock.

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