1. Vanilla Beginners Discord Channel - We do take it slow and steady


    My name is Wesscer. I have a couple of friends with whom I plan to begin a jurney on Onyxia. We have never before played vanilla and thus, this will be our first time.

    In the past, when ever we'd begin playing on a new server, it would devolve into an every man for himself scenario. We would all go our separate way, level alone, progress alone, separate guilds, rarely chat, etc. That would begin with the hopes that we would meet at the end. The "End" never came and we would all stop playing long before it. Thus, we have a new plan for Onyxia.

    We will take this jurney slow. We plan on playing Horde And playing TOGHETHER! If one is behind on levels, others leave everything they're doing and go help him. All of us will be in the same guild, same groups, same everything. We will Share everything. As friends are supposed to play a video game. Doing something usseles with friends is far better than doing something productive alone - at least in a video game.

    We will Stream our leveling jurney at https://www.twitch.tv/wesscerlive which will be visible on warmane site at https://www.warmane.com/stream. That is another way you can join us and keep up with our jurney. All Stream VODS will be uploaded to my Youtube channel Wesscer.

    Once we make it to the max level, we plan on doing more than guild raiding. We will organize PVP events, World PVP, City sieges, Gambling, Roleplay (maybe), hide and seek, trivia events, giveaways, GDKP runs, and more.

    We are open for anyone to join us on this adventure. You can join us during the leveling, during endgame, during projects or activities etc. We ask for nothing except to have fun with us. Our Discord is open if you'd like to keep up. https://discord.gg/Mtadap42nT

    The point of this Topic is to show the community that there is a group of friends who are planing to have real Massively Multiplayer Online Roleplaying FUN on this new server, not just another Gear Rank chase and grind. A group that invites likeminded people.

    About us : Balkan origin based players in their mid 20s. Join our discord and get to know us.
    Edited: November 8, 2023

  2. (If you weren't aware) Twitch sometimes bans people who stream on private servers, especially if those streams start getting popular...so be careful on the streaming side of it. Just making sure you "know the risks" there.

    Otherwise, I really hope you enjoy the journey together. It's always nice when you have a couple friends to play with, and you focus on playing together instead of the typical "every man for himself" style of play that tends to be more common when playing with strangers.

  3. I am aware but I get like, 5 viewers. I hope they wont notice.

    Thanks for that man, hope you can join us as well.

  4. Hello all, again!

    ONYXIA Launches tomorrow. We are preparing groups for leveling. Head on over to the discord server and participate.

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