1. Raid items Trade timer

    When you loot an item inside Raids you have 2 hours to trade it to other raid members

    During ToC it is common thing to distribute loot after killing last boss, as this Raid is short enough and it not only let people just finish raid faster in fast flow, but helps to prevent Pugs people from leaving raid Early.

    However it is not possible in other raids, especially on Progressive realms, stopping the raid flow in middle of it to roll for items before timer runs out.

    People can be very inpatient novadays and looking to cut corners everywhere, so my suggestion would be to increase That timer.

    My guild usually raid for 3 hours and i am very sure other guilds raid for even longer, not to mention "One more try" moment, so i was thinking if we could Double or even Tripe the Trade window timer, so people can easly distribute all loot After finishing whole Ulduar for example - With not need to worry about timer running out and forcing raid to take a break.

  2. Good suggestion. Since it's sucha big way of handling the loot nowadays, and some leaders have gotten banned for ninja looting because they forgot it aswell cause they forgot the timer but they would never ever ninja an item intentiona?ly.

  3. People can be very inpatient novadays and looking to cut corners everywhere, so my suggestion would be to increase That timer.
    Big fat NO.

    Trade timer was implemented for other reasons, not to keep raids smooth nor to keep PUG's as hostages for longer (which it would be abused for).

    Most of the guilds I've been in have no trouble a) rolling while clearing trash b) rolling in between quarters c) while waiting for "Sated", relogs, etc.

  4. That's the thing yeah. How long would a raid min "raid time" be, it varies a lot on who you ask, as most end game top guilds I been in all have a standard of 3 hours it feels natural to me, you dont even join a pug icc raid if you have 1 hour of game play time available and it is downright dissrespectful to everyone else by just leaving knowing this first hand when you start. As a healer I missed a lot of roll times due to clearing trash since I have to focus on everyone in raid. And many others go afk on trash clears before bosses thus missing out, personally 3 hours would be the sweet spot if you ask me but yeah.

  5. Big fat NO.

    Trade timer was implemented for other reasons[..]
    Ok, wanna share with us those reasons? And then we can have healthy discussion about them.

  6. Ok, wanna share with us those reasons? And then we can have healthy discussion about them.
    Item being given mistakenly to wrong person? Accidental need instead of greed?

  7. Increasing the timer will not affect those reasons.

    But i do understand your point of "keeping Pugs hostage", however if someone accepts to join the Raid then should be aware that people in it want to play as Long as there are chances to make progress.

    In my opinion it's bigger problem to stopping raid due to trade items timer when everyone wanna "get over it", especially if random pugs leave the raid after receiving item not caring about rest of people trying to progress the raid together, leaving them on ice while they are trying to find a replacement for "ICC 25, 6 bosses down" that noone want to attend to.

    Besides, this is suggestion channel so every "Yes" and "No" are welcomed here, so please if you have opinion of "Big Fat NO" elaborate on it to have clear vision of all Pros and Cons.
    Edited: November 17, 2023

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