1. Battle for Undercity Starting Quest


    How to begin the Battle for Underciy questchain? It heard it starts at Wrathgate but there are no NPCs to deliver the quest.

  2. The quest chain is riddled with issues, and often requires GM's help to fix phasing issue that comes with the "The Battle For Undercity" quest.

    Wouldn't be surprised if it's removed on purpose.

  3. You need to do a lot of questing. Idr the exact starter, but you pretty much have to do all of the Agmar's Hammer quests. Then you'll get the quest for the wrathgate, then the battle for undercity.

    The line works, a bit janky at the end(thrall, sylvanas, saurfang and varian has double dialogue for some reason), but it's doable(just finished it on lordaeron)

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