1. How to gear up in wotlk after 80 (Complete version)

    Hello everyone This is Ardawulf here with a guide for people that are new or just want to know and want to gear themselves to be able to join for ICC gearing runs, This guide will focus on getting you as high as 5.2k+ GS.

    After hitting level 80

    You want to start by doing RDF(random dungeon finder) till you get enough gear to join for RDF HC(random dungeon finder heroic), If you're playing as DPS you will notice that the timer for getting into RDF normal is very high and sometimes it can take more than 20 min to find a group but luckily there is a method to bypass this, You can use one of the methods below:

    A) Try to do quests in northrend after hitting 80 as much as you can each quest gives you gold which we need for the next part of the guide.
    either you can get this gold by doing every quest or just do argent tournament dailies each day to get gold from it.

    B) (recommended) Make an alt with herbalism and mining and start gathering herbs and mines in storm peaks and icecrown the reason that this is a better method is you get a lot of gold and also you can use this character to gather materials for your main because you do not want to have gathering professions on your main and you can use the stats boost for raiding.

    Ultimately if you can just spam RDF as tank or healer it will be faster but I recommend to always have an alt for gathering regardless.

    After gathering some gold you can start buying ilvl264 items from AH(Auction house) to get geared faster for RDF HC and you can also use this gear for longer till you find a good replacement.

    Ideally you do not want to buy legs,chest,helm,gloves,feet beacuse you can buy Item tier set 9(T9) with your emblems of triumph but you don't need 5 of them to get set bonus so for example for warlock you can get the chest which is Merlin's Robe and rest tier set.
    For standard heroic dungeon finder, you will need approximately 180 average item level.

    Items you can get from AH to get geared faster

    Cloth gears + weapons and miscellaneous(Ring,Neck) from lowest price to most expensive ones(current prices on Icecrown server):
    Spoiler: Show


    [Stiffened Corpse Shoulderpads] 264ilvl - 700g

    [Royal Moonshroud Bracers] 245ilvl with spirit - 2200g
    [Bejeweled Wizard's Bracers] 245ilvl - 3100g
    [The Lady's Brittle Bracers] 264ilvl - 6000g

    [Royal Moonshroud Robe] 245ilvl with spirit - 5000g
    [Merlin's Robe] 245ilvl - 5000g

    [Deathfrost Boots] 264ilvl - 6000g
    [Sandals of Consecration] 264ilvl with spirit - 8000g

    [Lightweave Leggings] 264ilvl with spirit - 8000g
    [Leggings of Woven Death] 264ilvl - 9000g

    [Shroud of Displacement] 245ilvl - 12000g

    [Nightmare Ender] 264ilvl with spirit - 5000g

    [Blood Queen's Crimson Choker] 264ilvl - 22000g

    [Circle of the Darkmender] 245ilvl - 4500g
    [Marrowgar's Frigid Eye] 264ilvl - 8000g

    Leather gears + weapons and miscellaneous(Ring,Neck) from lowest price to most expensive ones(current prices on Icecrown server):
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    [Professor's Bloodied Smock] 264ilvl - 500g Intellect

    [Moonshadow Armguards] 245ilvl - 5000g Intellect
    [Bracers of Swift Death] 245ilvl - 5000g Agility

    [Lunar Eclipse Robes] 245ilvl - 8000g Intellect
    [Ikfirus's Sack of Wonder] 264ilvl - 8000g Agility

    [Blessed Cenarion Boots] 264ilvl - 8000g Intellect
    [Footpads of Impending Death] 264ilvl - 8000g Agility

    [Legwraps of Unleashed Nature] 264ilvl - 11000g Intellect
    [Bladeborn Leggings] 264ilvl - 11000g Agility

    [Wodin's Lucky Necklace] 264ilvl - 1000g Agility

    [Rowan's Rifle of Silver Bullets] 264ilvl - 150g

    Mail gears + weapons and miscellaneous(Ring,Neck) from lowest price to most expensive ones(current prices on Icecrown server):
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    [Belt of the Blood Nova] 264ilvl - 400g Intellect

    [Crusader's Dragonscale Bracers] 245ilvl - 4000g Agility
    [Black Chitin Bracers] 245ilvl - 5555g Intellect

    [Carapace of Forgotten Kings] 264ilvl - 2500g Agility
    [Crusader's Dragonscale Breastplate] 245ilvl 7000g Agility + Intellect
    [Ensorcelled Nerubian Breastplate] 245ilvl - 8000g Intellect

    [Earthsoul Boots] 264ilvl - 9000g Intellect
    [Rock-Steady Treads] 264ilvl - 9000g Agility + Intellect


    [Leggings of Dubious Charms] 264ilvl - 150g Intellect
    [Draconic Bonesplinter Legguards] 264ilvl - 10000g Agility + Intellect
    [Lightning-Infused Leggings] 264ilvl - 11000g Intellect


    [Blood Queen's Crimson Choker] 264ilvl - 22000g Intellect
    [Wodin's Lucky Necklace] 264ilvl - 1000g Agility


    [Circle of the Darkmender] 245ilvl - 4500g Intellect
    [Marrowgar's Frigid Eye] 264ilvl - 8000g Intellect


    Plate gears + weapons and miscellaneous(Ring,Neck) from lowest price to most expensive ones(current prices on Icecrown server):
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    [Belt of the Lonely Noble] 264ilvl 140g Intellect

    [Titanium Spikeguards] 245ilvl - 6500g Strength
    [Sunforged Bracers] 245ilvl - 3000g Intellect
    [Saronite Swordbreakers] 245ilvl - 6500g Strength TANK
    [Crypt Keeper's Bracers] 264ilvl - 720g Intellect

    [Sunforged Breastplate] 245ilvl - 10000g Intellect
    [Titanium Razorplate] 245ilvl - 9000g Strength
    [Breastplate of the White Knight] 245ilvl - 10000g Strength TANK

    [Protectors of Life] 264ilvl - 10000g Intellect
    [Hellfrozen Bonegrinders] 264ilvl - 10000g Strength
    [Boots of Kingly Upheaval] 264ilvl - 10000 Strength TANK


    [Puresteel Legplates] 264ilvl - 17000g Intellect
    [Legplates of Painful Death] 264ilvl - 10000g Strength
    [Pillars of Might] 264ilvl - 16000g Strength TANK

    [Raging Behemoth's Shoulderplates] 264ilvl - 45000g Strength


    [Band of the Traitor King] 245ilvl - 3300g Strength TANK
    [Ring of Rotting Sinew] 264ilvl - 600g Strength
    [Harbinger's Bone Band] 264ilvl 300g Strength TANK


    After getting to RDF HC

    Start by saving emblems of triumph to buy your tier 9 sets After you're done with that you have to do these things each week:

    * Join for VoA 10 and 25 man each week to get your tier 10 set items (even if you're low just say you're 5K gs and they will invite you they don't care)

    *Every day do one heroic RDF to get emblem of frost these are used to buy T10 set pieces

    *Look chat for ICC rep farm, it doesn't require gear to join just you go inside ICC and kill some mobs to get your finger which is 277ilvl BiS item for you

    *Try to get into groups for ToC 10 and ToC 25 to get some items from there as well

    *If by everything you're doing you're still missing GS to join for raids then consider buying some gear.

    *By now you can start doing ICC 10 normal and later ICC 25 normal

    Thank you for reading this guide if you like it share , like and comment if you want to add something please do

  2. Its a good guide, only one problem with it - you said join VoA at 5k gs, the thing is, no one will accept you to join any ****ing raid unless you are 5.7 gs + achiev. There is Simply no way to gear only because people will only accept geared players to raid groups. If you ask them what they recommend, they'll link you to an item from another raid which you will never get because you are low gs and no one will accept you yet agaun

  3. 4 Weeks Ago  
    Great guide. Though I just noticed a minor error. For gear set effects, you need helm, shoulders (instead of feet that you stated), chest, legs, and gloves. So you can go ahead and buy any ilvl 264 feet gears from AH no problem.

  4. 2 Weeks Ago  
    Great guide, unfortunately you forgot one thing. You need ICC 25 gear to get accepted into ANY RAID.

    The only way to get geared for raid in current state of icecrown is to get gear for coins.

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