1. Backporting an addon

    I'm trying to backport EMA and pretty much I've backported most of the libraries apart from:
    - LibItemUpgradeInfo-1.0
    - LibAuras
    - EMALibActionButton-1.0
    - LibButtonGlow-1.0

    Can some more experienced backporter help?

    hooksecurefunc("MarkNewActionHighlight", function(action)
    	lib.ACTION_HIGHLIGHT_MARKS[action] = true
    	for button in next, ButtonRegistry do
    		if button._state_type == "action" and action == tonumber(button._state_action) then
    I also don't know how to backport this and

    	button.HotKey:SetFont(button.HotKey:GetFont(), 13, "OUTLINE")
    	button.HotKey:SetVertexColor(0.75, 0.75, 0.75)
    	-- adjust count/stack size
    	button.Count:SetFont(button.Count:GetFont(), 14, "OUTLINE")
    in the EMALibActionButton-1.0.lua
    Edited: January 15, 2024

  2. button.hotkey:SetFont(button.hotkey:GetFont(), 13, "OUTLINE")
    button.hotkey:SetVertexColor(0.75, 0.75, 0.75)

    -- adjust count/stack size
    button.count:SetFont(button.count:GetFont(), 14, "OUTLINE")

    otherone needs testing. how i found out is just do /frame on a checkbutton then do /print NameoftheButton to see what the frame is holding. (this only works with ElvUI)

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