1. Dark Portal Toy (HS)

    Hi everyone,
    After 15yrs+ of Wotlk, i've witnessed for the first time the existence of a "Dark Portal" Hearthstone. I was wondering how this person got it cause i want it too :D
    I know it was a special promotion item from the TBC deluxe edition, but how did he get it on Warmane?
    Realm Icecrown
    He was a Draenei DK. I don't know anything more.

    Link to the poor screen i took: https://imgur.com/a/guH5I0y

    Thanks for the replies :)

  2. The Dark Portal item wasn't released until patch 5.2.0 in Mists of Pandaria, so it isn't obtainable in WOTLK.

    There are 3 possible explanations for this screenshot:

    1. You're trolling and this screenshot isn't from Icecrown, or you changed the model of an item in your local files.
    2. You saw a Gamemaster testing an item.
    3. You saw someone using hacks beyond my understanding.

  3. 1. It is from Icecrown, i only play on this realm.
    2. He definitely was not a GM.
    3. https://www.wowhead.com/wotlk/item=184871/dark-portal This is the "hack" and you can find videos about this even on YT. Focus on when this item was originally added in game.

    Have a good day.
    Edited: January 22, 2024

  4. You just have to see the item ID to see that it was added during TBC classic, ie, a couple years ago. That toy definitely wasn't in wotlk in 2009. Which is not to say that it couldn't be added to the game by the developers now. I have no idea.

    Also the fact that the player's name didn't begin with <GM> doesn't mean he's not a GM.

  5. The best thing you have to show is a tiny, blurry, cropped screenshot that conveniently won't let anyone read a name or anything?
    Yeah, I'm going for a hard option 1 and not wasting any time until you have something better - which is anything at all in this case, because that image that looks like it was taken by an ancient phone, with lenses coated in butter, at max zoom from across the street, can't be serious.

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