1. [A] Reborn | Casual-Friendly Raiding Guild | Filipino/SEA Guild | Realm: Onyxia

    Hello, We are Reborn, A South East Asian Guild (Majority Filipino/English speaking) Casual-Friendly raiding Guild Looking for members that want to clear Vanilla Content up to TBC and WOLTK.


    ONYX 1/1
    MC 8/10
    BWL 0/8



    Even Leveling people are welcome just be ready to listen and learn when you are going to raid with the Guild


    SAT / 8 pm GMT +8 / 12 am ST - MC/ONYX - Core [ Loot Council ]
    SUN / 8 pm GMT +8 / 12 am ST - Progression/ALT Raid [ Loot Council ]

    Additional Info:

    We are currently looking for active members to fill out our core raid group and to create a family-like environment within the guild while progressing

    How to Join:

    To join just wisp our officers (Gui, Winstrom / Healstrom, Leonaidas / Lionaidas , Hehra/ Kratos , Igis, Killswich / Kilswich , Elegy and Erazed )

  2. /bump

    Onyx 1/1
    MC 10/10

    Looking to progress to BWL now starting next week

    Still open for all classes

    Sunday Loot is MS>OS for the meantime since 2nd group is still not fully established

    Sali an :D

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