1. Feral tank holding aggro

    Hello guys
    im new to tanking and im currently running rdf dungeons. I have a 5.3k gs and when i get grouped with 5.8-6.3 gs im having trouble holding aggro. In singletarget and with mobs. Especially pala and warry on mobs.. Now im scared to run TOC cuz losing aggro there would be crucial. Is this normal to lose aggro against higher GS people or did they just went all in for it? Was it my fault? My Rotation is fine and i know approximately what to do i guess..

    Would be happy if someone who knows replied:)

  2. Of course a 6.3k gs dps will take aggro away from you.

  3. but in TOC there will be higher geared people so what do i do?

  4. Raid and RHC is different things.
    RHC is mindless AoE fest.
    In raid you will have some ToT/MD and ppl will/should be more mindful of your/their aggro.

    Also for RHC you don't need much tank gear so you can swap to some dps gear instead.
    In any case hit cap + exp (soft) cap will help you a lot with direct aggro through auto attacks AND rage generation which is in turn even more aggro through abilities.

  5. Even at BiS you'll have trouble holding aggro vs certain classes if you're on your own.
    If you're undergeared compared to them you can try to tank the dangerous ones/taunt as much as possible. But it's not your fault if they decide to not care about threat as you're pretty much unable to contain them anyway.
    As long as it works out/your healer can keep up you can just go with the flow.

    In a raid you'll have hunters/rogues and at least another tank to back you up. Even then certain classes (e.g. warriors and mages) will end up causing trouble if they're not watching out during certain things like target swaps and adds being picked up.
    Just play to the best of your ability and if everyone does their job everything will work out fine.

  6. In dungeons geared players don't worry about aggro too much, they can take some hits. In raids they will be mindful about it, to not get oneshotted.

    If someone takes aggro it's their on fault for making such mistake. As long as you do your best.

  7. 4 Weeks Ago  
    In dungeons that's normal. In raids, you'd be surprised how seemingly undergeared you can be but still keep aggro thanks to a few measly redirects/tricks from rogues every now and then.

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