1. 3 Weeks Ago  
    I don't kill low levels because I consider it a lil D move, but nonetheless, I don't get the complaints either.

    I have several 80s and avoiding being ganked is totally doable. First, we have a teleport to HS location on warmane website. Then you simply avoid that area and try to level elsewhere. Or go do some dungeons. The WoW world is big enough for you to not spend an eternity in Hellfire peninsula. If you got there before lvl 70 and you got not money to fly mount, again your problems son.

    Before flying, I also carry my 80 to whatever zone I go level just in case I need to kill someone who ganks me. But I generally stay away from pvp-intensive zones like STV. Going there and expecting not to be attacked is like putting your hand in a lion's mouth, expecting not to bite.

    On some leveling journeys to 80s, I've been only killed 2 times or so. It's not that hard, it's playing your surroundings and knowing what to avoid.

    IF someone wants a full-pve experience they should join a PVE Server. I like the pvp experience, this is why I play here.
    Edited: 3 Weeks Ago

  2. 2 Weeks Ago  

    IF someone wants a full-pve experience they should join a PVE Server. I like the pvp experience, this is why I play here.
    That's the thing, there used to be a PvE server (from what other players said, i wasn't here) and that choice is not available anymore. In terms of client quality, devs work and overall moderation Warmane is possibly the best WOTLK private server (way better than official also), so its normal that people that don't appreciate PvP would like a PvE option. The fact that people are asking for it, is good news for the server. Now if there should be one, or not, that's all up the Management of the server.

  3. 2 Weeks Ago  
    Its no longer the 2000s where each kill and gank was a story, its 2024 and its simply a boring waste of time with no real emotional investment or interest.

  4. 2 Weeks Ago  
    Thats the reason why me and many other ppl gave up on trying to lvl up on Onyxia realm, toxic clowns everywhere

  5. 1 Week Ago  
    Even in Icecrown, and not even talking about low level people. I totally understand some healthy PvP when you're fighting for some mines/herbs. However i was trying to do Son's of Hodir pre quests yesterdays with my friend. We had to give up because there were 2 LvL 80 Horde, a Warrior and a Paladin, Possibly with ICC25 Gear level (35k+ HP) ganking everyone that entered the cave. We are fresh 80's and we couldnt dent more than 30% HP. The guy killed me in about 3/4 hits and im a Plate user.

    I really think the Warmane community is a special type of community. There are some Cool people, but then there are a bunch of Griefers that are making content outside of instanced content unplayable.

    I already donated a few Euros cause i think the server is overall enjoyable, but i don't know how much more i can take with excessive ganking, its really affecting my will to play the game. There's just way too much people with lack of empathy playing this game, just seems like everyone is angry or something.

  6. 1 Week Ago  
    If world PvP is too cruel for you then buy insta-80 or level up using dungeon finder until you hit max level and live in Dalaran.
    Problem solved.

  7. 4 Days Ago  
    I don't discriminate between level 10 and level 60 players; I enjoy taking out lower-level opponents and watching them get frustrated. Regardless of their level or gear, if they're my enemy, I'll bring them down. They might switch to other characters just to ask me to stop, but that only encourages me to bully them more. Doing what makes me happy is what matters most.

  8. 20 hours ago  
    Me, low lvl 80 being chased immediately after landing from flying knocked down and killed, get res sick to not waste time walking from Sholazar Basin portal to Un'Goro just to be killed by a hunter who immediately opens on me. In Un'goro you can't get back to your body as you have to get the portal to Sholazar Basin. So had to res sick again go Dalaran > Sholazar Basin> Un'goro. Thanks for wasting my 15 min to finish a quest you toxic community. Especially Allies.

  9. 2 hours ago  

  10. 1 Hour Ago  
    Me, low lvl 80 being chased immediately after landing from flying knocked down and killed, get res sick to not waste time walking from Sholazar Basin portal to Un'Goro just to be killed by a hunter who immediately opens on me. In Un'goro you can't get back to your body as you have to get the portal to Sholazar Basin. So had to res sick again go Dalaran > Sholazar Basin> Un'goro. Thanks for wasting my 15 min to finish a quest you toxic community. Especially Allies.
    It's not about toxicity; World of Warcraft operates on this dynamic. Alliance and Horde are adversaries, so expect conflict. If you're frustrated, address it with Blizzard—they designed this game. It's not Warmane's fault.

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