1. cannot log in to MOP

    i run the launcher put in my warmane usner name and password and it just says i need to convert to a blizzard account

  2. Warmane realmlist guide

    1. Restart your PC.
    2. Close and exit torrent.
    3. Move your WoW -folder to other folder, away from Torrent's Download folder.
    4. Right click WoW -Folder, select properties, un-check "Read-only" and Apply.
    5. If you get prompt, Apply changes to this folder, subfolders and files and click OK.

    For those who stumble here in the future: Use Warmane username to login, not email.

    If you still can't connect, try VPN and/or contact your ISP.

  3. I've tried the list except contacting the ISP. One thing I can't get to work though is when I try to uncheck ready only and apply it, the option to apply it to the folder is grayed out.

  4. Try changing the realmlist to .com

  5. so i have done all steps nothing changes wotlk works just fine but i seen after i take if ott read only if i go back to properties the box is checked again

  6. Do the read-only on config.wtf located in WoW's WTF folder.

  7. mine are noT checkEd
    STill same issue

  8. mine are noT checkEd
    STill same issue
    Doesn't really matter unless config.wtf/realmlist does't keep realmlist as logon.warmane.com

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