1. It would be interesting to see what mistakes you are doing in BWL to not progress. I cleared BWL fully in approx 1h 30 mins this week and we have like 1-2 R14 warriors and a few other R14 mages. I'm the MT for all bosses and I have no PVP rank and I'm not even human.

    I really believe most guilds just bring unprepared people or the wrong composition. We run 10 warriors and 2-3 rogues in every raid. The rest are simply support classes to buff them, pull, debuff bosses etc. Combined with the wrong tactics, asomething like Broodlord can be super difficult.
    Well good news, we made it to Ebonroc last night lol. It was definitely a comp problem and an unpreparedness. It really didn't help we were so used to running 20-23 people instead of a full 25 as well. I expect that next week we will be in WAY better shape. We did somehow one shot broodlord and Firemaw, so I guess I'll take that. Should change our guild name to "We Wipe to Adds"

  2. BWL is overtuned a bit no doubt, but the extra challenge actually makes it kind of fun? (not talking about the game breaking bugs like chromag affliction week1-2).

    The real reason why most guilds aren't clearing BWL is because BWL is when it requires everyone to really know their job and it's not as braindead as MC. Most of these guilds that are struggling with BWL have 1-2 tanks that are deep prot that don't understand that threat capping their dps is the reason why some of these fights are challenging. The faster you kill a boss = less mechanics to worry about = healers don't go oom

  3. I don't think BWL and MC are overtuned. I belive they are in perfecr state as of now where fights are a little bit challenging and not just loot piniatas. As a casual guild player that doesnt have that many hwl players we managed to clear it recently withouch that many **** ups only some minor deaths from lack of awareness, and finished bwl in about an hour. I belive that guilds that are struggling simply don't understand the laws of classic wow.

  4. bwl difficulty is fine i believe, shouldnt be touched unless its a bugfix
    top guilds are clearing it in under 2 hours without wipes and if someone plays casually then he should not expect to clear all content

  5. Great! That means youll have a shot at Chromaggus. Maybe I can join you on my 2nd tank/dps at some point to give some insight on how to handle trash and bosses more effectively.

  6. Well good news, we made it to Ebonroc last night lol. It was definitely a comp problem and an unpreparedness. It really didn't help we were so used to running 20-23 people instead of a full 25 as well. I expect that next week we will be in WAY better shape. We did somehow one shot broodlord and Firemaw, so I guess I'll take that. Should change our guild name to "We Wipe to Adds"
    Reply was meant to this.

  7. Well good news, we made it to Ebonroc last night lol. It was definitely a comp problem and an unpreparedness. It really didn't help we were so used to running 20-23 people instead of a full 25 as well. I expect that next week we will be in WAY better shape. We did somehow one shot broodlord and Firemaw, so I guess I'll take that. Should change our guild name to "We Wipe to Adds"
    Truth be told, Vanilla is all about the comp. Bring 10 warriors as tanks/dps, and fill up with hunter, rogue, mage and healers, that it. Drop anything else, or its just gonna hold you back. Vanilla was not meant to be played with bringing every class 2-3x. At least its gonna make things a lot harder if you do so.

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