1. [H] < D I S R E S P E K T > Singapore made SEA/EU Raiding Guild

    < D I S R E S P E K T >

    Set up by a group of friends who played during the Molten Era, we are an international progressive raiding guild with members mainly from Asia and Europe. This guild is a community of like-minded players of different caliber, ranging from fresh new raiders to LOD players.

    Edited - Currently Inactive due to real life matters..
    Edited: 3 Weeks Ago Reason: inactie

  2. Popped my LOD cherry... I will always remember my first time :x
    Really nice, professional and chill officers, 5 stars

    <D I S R E S P E K T> HUAT AH!

  3. Bump..

    We're still alive and kicking.. Recruiting all especially casters and healers!!

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