1. <The Sin dorei> Fashion Sow Event

    The Sin'Dorei Fashion Show

    You are all invited to come and watch or participate in the transmog event! win big prizes and party with the most fashionable players of the Lorderan Horde! If in case you aren't horde or cannot attend, the event will be streamed on "https://www.youtube.com/@WotlkBox"

    Event details below.

    The event is going to be on 31st of march 20:00 server time but the exact hour might shift a little bit since everyone is raiding at that time period.
    Location is (obviously :3) Silvermoon City in Farstrider's square, in the Blood Knight's Headquarters (Paladin trainer room).
    The winner is decided by popular vote (using poll addon) from the audience.
    • First place: 10k gold.
    • Second place: 5k gold+ 2*[Primordial Saronite]
    • Third place: 4*[Primordial Saronite]

    There are only 2 rules:
    • At least 5 transmogrified items.
    • 1 character per person

    In order to register, send a mail to "Micoxshlong" with the name of the competing character and 30g sign up fee. You will receive a timely confirmation mail afterwards.

    I will be advertising on global every day and any changes will be announces before hand!

  2. Sadly saw this now in forums and since i usually play alliance didn't see the global chat messages. Hope it was great.

  3. same here.

    You plan on doing this again some time?

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