1. Purging guilds.

    Dearest Devs and Community.

    As the title says; any chance we could purge inactive guilds yearly as well?

    Try hit up surefire hits on the armory as "Scarlet Crusade, Argent Crusade", etc. All guilds with 0 members, no activity, held by lvl 1 characters. Its toxic cockblocking at best, and most likely disgusting attempts at scamming for real money.

    And no, "buying" these golden names, be it guildnames or characternames, is not an option! You know it, I know it, everyone knows it. Its just another way for scammers to scam, and shouldnt be a thing. - The easiest and best solution for everyone, is purging inactive guilds with X player threshold. Just like characters.

    Please, make this a thing :)

  2. Guilds are removed if they leader gets removed due to inactivity.
    If the guilds are still there, the leader isn't inactive and that's it. Many people create guilds to use as banks, and so far there's nothing against the rules about doing that. Plus with accounts being free to create this would just cause them to have a few more to not lose the guild, as they are active anyway.

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