1. Lockpicking guide with use of pick pocket 1-400

    Lockpicking guide with use of pick pocket 1-400
    This guide is made for Rogues that leveled to 70-80 and have now noticed that they would like to level up Lock-picking.

    As many rogues know leveling lock-picking might be a bit tideous, slow and boring, most guides sugest to search and lock-pick "standing boxes" like "Waterlogged Footlocker". This is a very slow method tho.

    Becaouse of that I would like to show a way to level it by combining pick-pocket and lock-pick to open Junkboxes.
    Tho it might require twice to open "standing boxes" its way faster than method that makes you only open them.

    Sometimes I'll write level ups as x/y-z, this means that the value before "/" is the lowest required to get to the next point and the one after "/" is the one you can get by doing the same thing (this will mean you will be picking up green level ups).
    But first:
    Usefull macro for opening given chests with one button
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    They all look like this:
    /use Name of box
    /cast Lock Pick
    /use Name of box again

    For example:
    /use Battered Footlocker
    /cast Lock Pick
    /use Battered Footlocker

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    First of all we need to get from 1-75/100, there we don't need to bother to pick-pocket as the boxes below have a very fast respawn timer.

    The Buccaneer's Strongboxes near Rachet in The Barrens.

    Practice Lockboxes in Redridge Mountains north of Lake Everstill.

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    Worn Junkbox
    Now it doesn't matter what faction you are, these spots are the best way to level up without haveing to search for "standing boxes"

    This box can be pick-pocketed form any lvl 31-40 mob that can be pick-pocketed, best place to farm is the "Scarlet monastery" four Dungeons, each one will do, fastest one is Cathedral, all you need to do is pick-pocket any mob you see that can be pick-pocketed and open them at the end to level up

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    Battered Footlocker
    This is the only return to the "standing boxes that can be hard to come by, but do not fear, you only need to pick 5 of them to level up to 175 and then do the pick-pocket method, you can still try to lock-pick more "Battered Footlockers" or "Dented Footlockers" at lvl 175 but its way slower.

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    Sturdy Junkbox
    This box can be pick-pocketed form any lvl 41-50 mob that can be pick-pocketed, best place to farm is the "Zul'Farrak" Dungeon, all you need to do is pick-pocket any mob you see that can be pick-pocketed and open them at the end to level up.
    Fastest way is to go from the standard route (taking right) and then running the entire dungeon around.

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    Heavy Junkbox
    This box can be pick-pocketed form any lvl 51-60 mob from old world (not Outlands) that can be pick-pocketed, best places to farm are the
    Western Plaguelands zone,
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    Best mobs to do so are the:
    • "Rotting Cadaver" - in the village above Andorhal
    • "Searing Ghoul" - in Andorhal

    Be sure to pick-pocket other mobs near those listed as they also can drop the Heavy Junkbox tho with smaller procentage of dropping

    Eastern Plaguelands - Tyr's Hand
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    All mobs have a quite big chance to have the Box so be sure to pick all.

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    Strong Junkbox
    This is easy, just go to any mob in Outland and pick them, best place to pick-pocket are the Ogre camps in Nagrand, mainly the "Burning Blade Runis"

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    Reinforced Junkbox
    Last box you'll need to pick up are the Reinforced Junkboxes, simply go to northrend and just pick any mob, best places and mobs to pick-pocket are:
    Ymirhaim - female vrykul with falcons

    The Avalanche - undead vrykul

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    This is the last part of our adventure for 400 lock pick.
    You will need to for return this time to "standing boxes".
    The Scarlet Onslaught Trunks in the Onslaught Harbour that can be unlocked at level 385, just run around and pick them up and you will be 400 in no time.

    *all of the images have been borowed form other forums/websides as I'm too lazy to make my own hope you enjoyed : )
    **be sure to point out anything you think might be of note, any corrections will be well appreciated, also I'm sorry for grammathical error english is not my first language
    Edited: April 10, 2024 Reason: Inporvements to tthe guide

  2. Thanks alot, this really helped me.

  3. Awesome summary, thank you.
    I have to add as a new 80 combat rogue it is really difficult to lock pick in Icecrown, so I found a faster way:

    In Borean Tundra, at the Bor'Gorok Outpost pick lock the Magmoth Shaman and Magmoth Crusher, this will take your skill to 450 in few minutes.


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