1. Release TBC faster

    Hi GMs can u release TBC now, each Patch we lose more ppl, most ppl dont care anymore for AQ or NAXX we want TBC.


  2. A lot of people would love 2v2 and 3v3 rated and with rewards, I think it was also promised, it would atrract people to stay and play.

  3. Hi GMs can u release TBC now, each Patch we lose more ppl, most ppl dont care anymore for AQ or NAXX we want TBC.

    The appeal of the server for the current players is Vanilla to TBC to Wrath as promised, though. TBC would bring new players but rushing it would alienate the current ones. TBC servers exist if you're really itching for that experience.

    There's an argument to be made to bump up the timer, maybe after Naxx, but most guilds are gonna need some time to finish Naxx. Then probably most people will want a prepatch to level nasty pink creatures up, for at least a week or two.

    I look forward to TBC (especially the part about not having world buffs), but blowing up Vanilla for it makes no sense given the server's context and current player base.

  4. 1 month of AQ 1 month of Naxx 1 month of pre-patch. TBC in august would be BIS

  5. I want WotLK 3.3.5. We can skip all other content because I.. I mean many many many others don't like Naxx or Gruul's Lair. Do this or server dies in 1 minute 1578 hours 37 seconds and people go other servers pls staff WAKE UP. Make it happen, trust me bro, I'm the WoW expert with 56 years of experience in WoW privates!

    My dad works for Blizzard and he is First Northern War veteran, and he says they [Blizzard] are afraid of you making this happen! Here, I let my dad write:
    Yes, hi. This is OhieMitzen's dad. Do what I say. We so afraid.

    See, even my dad agrees!

  6. just never release tbc, it will kill the server just as last time we had tbc on warmane. people always wanted vanilla.

  7. How about you go on vacation for a few months till tbc releases?The premise of this server was made for it to be progressive and it should stay as such.

  8. just never release tbc, it will kill the server just as last time we had tbc on warmane. people always wanted vanilla.
    What do you mean last time? I thought everyone wanted TBC and if anything it will draw more people to the servers. (?)

  9. Every TBC server dies fast cause people "want" it until they realise how boring it actually is...same as vanilla
    The server is already dead people are just delusional and don't want the truth.
    4k players peak on weekends.
    TBC wont really help getting playerbase up by much and people who wanted to play FM4 most likely will not play when Onyxia is at wotlk stage since its not really a "fresh" start.

    Lets be real here.

  10. Ah ah ah please, this joker thinks TBC is now popular than classic. Dude if this can't attract enough players, we'll make Devs consider whether it's worth not to rush Northrend

  11. When there's new content, population tends to increase. That effect is less for phase content (new raids) then it is for expansion content (new expansions/leveling/zones), but it exists. Then people get burned out/bored/can't do the content and leave until the next cycle. The "can't do it" is probably why new phase/raid content increases to a lessor factor than new expansions. Leveling is easy. IF you didn't do the previous raid phase, you aren't going to be able to do the next and don't even bother coming around to increase the pop.

    This is a cycle that exists on just about every server I've played.

  12. It was questionable execution of the TBC, not TBC itself that killed the realm last time. This progressive realm is not perfect but its much better than the last time.

  13. 4 Weeks Ago  
    just never release tbc, it will kill the server just as last time we had tbc on warmane. people always wanted vanilla.
    what are you talking about?got to be joking/trolling?

    the TBC sever they had here "they had 2" was classed Outland and it was the best/most fun i ever had playing wow. Outland/tbc server had something 15,000+ players! so you saying otherwise just makes you look att the more wrong.

    what "killed" outland server was when they added Warglaives to the shop...that was not good and player pop started to drop after that.

    TBC was the peak of wow and it fixed almost all the broken things from classic only for wrath to brake it all again. want to see a ghost town server? head over to blizz's wrath classic. read the forums.."we thought wrath had good pvp but we were wrong" type of posts. shoot just read the forums here countless posts about wrath 2v2 is broken/needs fixes over the years. whats funny about that is it was during wrath when Blizz, MLG+ a few otthers all dropped wow from pvp esports. matter of fact blizz scrapped 2v2 during wrath and said they are broken we cant and will not "fix them" so go play 3v3. most wraths players here run 2v2 not 3v3...playing a broken bracket.. lol.

    dont think 2v2 ever gave season titles and rewards out ever again? and in cata balance was based off rated battle grounds as it always should have been since day 1 of V. catas pvp balance was much better then wrath ever was, lore welfair epics broken op'ed classes like DK's.. were/are why some players love it. wrath's pvp was "more specs viable" is what players mistake for good pvp.

    i remember back in good old live wrath when 5 dks would run 5v5's and they would all pop army at same time and other team would die..thoese were great balanced games right? 2 blood dks in 2v2 or blood dk heal/dps like ret or that shockaden?spec...other teams would just drop and not spend hour fighting tanks that do more damage and healing then dps and healers...
    Edited: 4 Weeks Ago

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