1. 2 Weeks Ago  
    In the end of the day, unless you can prove that Raids consistently fail due to Shamans using Earthliving and that they wouldn't have failed if they were using Healing Stream, all this comes down is to a pet peeve of yours. Your argument has just been repeating that one gives bigger numbers than the other, while those big numbers might be unnecessary for the success of the Raid, as well as be healing going to people that didn't need it/weren't a priority, but none of that matters if people are completing Raids just fine or failing them because of other factors.

  2. 2 Weeks Ago  
    Both Glyphs are terrible for majority of fights except for very specific ones, like VDW.

  3. 2 Weeks Ago  
    In the end of the day, unless you can prove that Raids consistently fail due to Shamans using Earthliving and that they wouldn't have failed if they were using Healing Stream, all this comes down is to a pet peeve of yours. Your argument has just been repeating that one gives bigger numbers than the other, while those big numbers might be unnecessary for the success of the Raid, as well as be healing going to people that didn't need it/weren't a priority, but none of that matters if people are completing Raids just fine or failing them because of other factors.
    True! With the same logic you can play in your birthday-suit and eat all mallable goes at Putricide. If your raid kills him, you are golden. While people are doing that and insist on crippling themselves by trying to improve their worst abilities, I chose a different path. It's personal preference after all :)

  4. 1 Week Ago  
    True! With the same logic you can play in your birthday-suit and eat all mallable goes at Putricide. If your raid kills him, you are golden. While people are doing that and insist on crippling themselves by trying to improve their worst abilities, I chose a different path. It's personal preference after all :)
    Do you always display this sort of childish behaviour when things don't go your way in a discussion?

    Even if the numbers are bigger than earthliving, which they usually are, it doesn't mean they're better. If you just end up producing more overheals by having a dumb heal spam stuff on them which would've been healed anyway you don't actually gain anything. You just try to grow your e-peen by looking at big numbers on logs.
    Might I suggest buying valanyr and ask for PI during a proc so you can spam chainheal on your maintank? Looks good on meters.

    You should remember though: Healers work as a group. Nobody cares for if you're 1st or 5th on healing done as long as you keep your raid alive.

  5. 1 Week Ago  
    I don't think that this is childish. It's simply a ridiculous argument to expect proof that switching glyphs makes the difference between wipe and success. This is a game where 25 players have to work together and people who not producing at the highest level can still get carried. It is clearly better to improve one of your best abilities by 20% than one of your worst abilities by 5% if overhealing% is rather close. This insight doesn't get refuted by some sort of democratic voting. In science it doesn't matter if the discussion goes "your way". Either either right or wrong, regardless what the majority thinks. There is no truth by democracy.

    Last but not least I mentioned the article on the survivorship bias in the Wikipedia. The conclusion that it is better to armor those parts who didn't get damaged was in fact so valuable - and counterintuitive - that it got classified as a military secret. Here we have the same situation. Buff your best abilities, not your worst!

  6. 6 Days Ago  
    You are just ignorant to what others are saying. Not to mention that totem has limited range and works only for your own group.

    Calling Healing Stream "one of best" abilities is pure comedy. You are far from being as good and experienced as you want to be seen. HST provides tons of overheal and makes other spells to overheal too.
    Earthliving is used because you have it always applied and considering Chain Heal is our main spell, it triggers a lot thanks to glyph.

    And them telling you to get real proof is absolutely valid. Because now it is just your saying vs everybody else. Want to change it - feel free to put effort in it. Like guy from druid subforum, who has his thread with detailed explanations, formulas and reasons, all backed up by logs and videos. To show how and why use feral's abilities.

  7. 6 Days Ago  
    I am not ignorant, actually but I don't like to argue with people for the sake of arguing. Whatever reason I brought up got 100% ingored. The reason for that is not to admit defeat, there is no other. The result is clear, you just look at the logs. In theory lots of great ideas pop up, but practice refutes nearly all of them. In theory Earthliving is great spell, in practice it is total crap. Everyone defending Earthliving has absolutely zero clue. That is not ignorant, it's in fact quite observant.

  8. 6 Days Ago  
    Then go and show us, that we are wrong and you are new messiah of Restoration Shamans.
    I'm 99,99% sure that all who participated in this thread have way bigger experience healing in raids on several different classes and thus know what is important and what not.

  9. 6 Days Ago  
    The whole discussion about Earthliving is pointless anyways, since nobody is using that glyph anyways. The absolute standard build for high-end shamans looks like this:


    The question only arises if you dont got resto/enhance but want to use two resto-builds instead, one for single target healing (aka Saurfang) and one for multi-target (aka Bloodqueen). Then your builds should be these:


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