Hello Warmane :-)
Im already excited about starting a char on this private server.
Is there some kind of comparison of all available server here? I just checked the forum entries but I couldnt find a list or something similar.
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Hello Warmane :-)
Im already excited about starting a char on this private server.
Is there some kind of comparison of all available server here? I just checked the forum entries but I couldnt find a list or something similar.
WotLK Onyxia x3 is a progressive realm where u start in Vanilla and go through expansions and seasons - more skill (guild) demanding to get gear faster and be ready for the next progress.
WotLK Lordaeron x1 is a harder blizzlike server without items in store (for money).
WotLK Blackrock is an instant 80 PvP arena/bg server with some starter PvP gear.
WotLK Icecrown x7 is a faster server with the highest population, almost all items are available in store, even Shadowmourne.
Pandaria is.... bugged without active development.
Lord, Black and Ice have cross-realm BGs and arenas.