1. Mutliboxing questions

    Hello All,
    I am playing mutliboxing. I am wondering if I can open 6th account to buff my mutlibox team (5).

    Also, are we able to use the same key tool (key clone) for the 2s arena? Or I need to manually control two accounts to play 2s areana.

    Hope someone can help. Thanks!

  2. Hey bro. I think you can use a 6th to buff your team. You will just have to make sure that if not in a raid instance then only have up to 5 clients in total logged in to the realm. For example, log out main toon 1, log in buffer toon, buff party, log out slave toon 2, log in main toon 1, buff, log out buffer toon.

    Or if in a raid, use warlock to summon your team inside, have buffer buff everyone, leave.

    I'm not sure about the rules for arena; if any exist.

  3. 5x more power than a regular player and still needs buffs

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