where info from ?
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where info from ?
thanks .<
I tought the onyxia server is only tbc content. seems I am wrong.
Any plans for tbc only server?
Is there any way you can also post a corresponding patch release schedule as well with items and content being released during each patch? There is so much confusion among players because the way content is being released by patch. This information is over 15 years old and we're all constantly running into things missing from the game. We don't know when this stuff all came out. To have this all in a list by date would be very helpful.
Hi, question regarding 70 lvl up sevice. If I have a toon that is 60 with dual spec, proffs and gear and I use lvl sevice, will all of this stay? I mean so gear, dual spec and proffs aren't wiped out?
i mean this
Question: When the BC realm ends? (resets back to vanilla or patches forward to LK or soemthing)
Was it stated somewhere already? I think it is quiet an important thing to state, and I did not find it in the first post.
Question: will there be an arena points wipe after the 1st arena season's end in February 2025? I am asking this because i read somewhere that in the original tbc there was no such arena points wipe, at least not between the first several seasons. Would be very grateful for the admin's response on this. Thank you!
- Profession recipies will be released with appropriate content tiers.
i don't know where to find info regarding this....at what phase what new recepie is gonna get added...pls give some info or at least some link for each profession cause I cant find it. ty
In which phase of the content can we expect level 62 goggles to become available for the Engineering profession?
After Wrath ends, all of our characters will be deleted / transfered to another realm?
Or will Onyxia remain in Wrath state "forever" similar to the other two realms Icecrown + Lordearon?
Has there been a response to this if arena points are being wiped? Originally they were not wiped but in TBCC they were converted 1 arena point = 10 honor.
Would also like to know about discount period, is it going to be the few days between the end of phase 1 and start of season 2? Feb22-Feb26
Anyone have an answe for this? Will aréna points reset? Will Gladiátor set cheaper ön the last week before S2?