Starting to multi-box, have found great advice/macros/strategies. But ... I would like to drop 1 feast and have all my toons partake. Would also work for an already displayed feast.
Can't /use or /cast ona feast already dropped. Any help ???
'); document.write(''); var yuipath = 'clientscript/yui'; var yuicombopath = ''; var remoteyui = false; } else // Load Rest of YUI remotely (where possible) { var yuipath = 'https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/yui/2.9.0/build'; var yuicombopath = ''; var remoteyui = true; if (!yuicombopath) { document.write(''); } } var SESSIONURL = "s=a59d76142b3cfebbeb32b8817830ba03&"; var SECURITYTOKEN = "guest"; var IMGDIR_MISC = "warmane/misc"; var IMGDIR_BUTTON = "warmane/buttons"; var vb_disable_ajax = parseInt("0", 10); var SIMPLEVERSION = "422"; var BBURL = "https://forum.warmane.com"; var LOGGEDIN = 0 > 0 ? true : false; var THIS_SCRIPT = "showthread"; var RELPATH = "showthread.php?t=471171&p=3238092"; var PATHS = { forum : "", cms : "", blog : "" }; var AJAXBASEURL = "https://forum.warmane.com/"; var CoTTooltips = { rename: true, icons: false, iconsize: 15, qualitycolor: true, overridecolor: { spells: '#839309', items: '', npcs: '#fff', objects: '#fff', quests: '#ffb100', achievements: '#fff' } }; // -->
Starting to multi-box, have found great advice/macros/strategies. But ... I would like to drop 1 feast and have all my toons partake. Would also work for an already displayed feast.
Can't /use or /cast ona feast already dropped. Any help ???
i remember there was an addon for clickable portals, hence you can target and interract. There might be one for feasts too, but its not that much trouble to broadcast a click