Yes, I didn't buy a single piece of gear and was moved in the high gear bracket. And that happened already twice to me.
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Yes, I didn't buy a single piece of gear and was moved in the high gear bracket. And that happened already twice to me.
That may explain why certain YouTubers keep rerolling fresh characters on Blackrock. Maybe you should consider doing the same.
PvP at the wotlk battlegroup is the worst experience ive ever had in my life of 19yrs of gaming this game. Its just make you hate this game with mboxer wgs, the hk farmer premades and the faction inbalance, not mention the meta it has in 2s.
However TBC seems fresh and way more fun. Icecrown is too old to enjoy pvp, and it lack lot of custom changes.
For me the projects like Onyxia is the only reason i still play warmane.
"omg i cant compete with people whove been playing for ages on the high bracket"
"omg why do these people twinking gears on lower bracket."
As far as I know twinking is considered an abuse of the system and you risk being pushed to a higher bracket if you are caught.
Indeed, bg premades destroying everyone's day, no matter if you are against them or with them, either you end up bored at GY farming ghosts, or being a ghost.
Well, even low brackets have their fun. Aliance guys have 5900 gs guys on low brackets against horde with 2000 gs :).