1. Frostwolf Revitalized

    When the Molt-down happened almost a decade ago, I used a ton of coins that we're refunded to myself and friends accounts to create a stacked lvl 90 character, and since then I've been waiting for the server to get some love. 10 years later, and my character still doesn't have gems or enchants; there just hasn't been enough of a population, or movement from the Warmane team, to show this server has any hope for it.

    There is not a lack of interest in MoP. Another server that will not be named had great success with a MoP server in the last couple years, but they dropped the ball with bad communication and focusing too much on another expansion. They are opening ANOTHER MoP server, but people have lost hope with their ability to manage it long term.

    MoP players are looking for a new, permanent, home.

    Warmane is the KING of long term. Will say, thank you for not giving up completely on Frostwolf. I know many others have spent money and time to build very cool characters here. But can we see some kind of action??

    I think something that could work is keeping Frostwolf as is, and making a second MoP seasonal server, with the seasonal characters getting moved to Frostwolf when it's done. This wouldn't nullify those who have progressed far on Frostwolf already, but would give them hope that after the seasonal server ends, there will be a population surge.

    Another cool idea I can't shake since Warmane announce vanilla/tbc/lk realm on one client, is Warmane using the MoP client for all expansions, somehow.
    Currently we are using LK client for vanilla and bc and LK. And we get cool QoL changes that make vanilla and bc very novel and fresh.

    Now imagine, playing LK, TBC, Vanilla, on a MoP client somehow. Probably not possible with Cata world changes, but pet battles in LK one day, or a novel server with vanilla monks, or LK server with item reforging... Sounds like a lot of work, and likely not even possible. But it all starts with giving Frostwolf some appeal.

    Make MoP great again! I think Warmane is the only team capable of it at this point.

  2. Players dont invest in Frostwolf because they are aware that the Devs dont invest on it aswell.

    I also think a stable commited MOP realm would be amazing, we have seen multiple people on Mop realm releases, on other private servers, reaching 3k or 4k players, for multiple realms. In less 48 hours from my reply a new one is gonna open on the private server I spoke about earlier.

    Warmane has the reputation to back up a long standing realm and they could easily bring crazy amounts of players if they polished the MOP experience and showed players they are putting effort in, like the legendary cloak questline being broken for years.

    The latter part of your post is not possible, it is, but the amount of work required and file size of the client would be stupid, you dont want 50gb client, for example, to play 17 gb wotlk

  3. People have suggested a seasonal MOP server before, and I will say to you what I've said to others before; there is no point in a seasonal MOP server on Warmane. It wouldn't work because Frostwolf itself is incredibly bugged. The only reason why seasonal WotLK works is because Icecrown is Warmane's best scripted realm, and has several years of work put into it.

    From what I've seen here on Frostwolf, they never fix anything that would be beneficial to players. They only fix exploits and things that perform too well. If they were to start fixing things like vengeance, quests, and more (and on a more frequent basis), then you could potentially the fathom the idea of seasonal MOP here. Unfortunately, it will never happen. Don't look for it. Frostwolf is the best Warmane can do while they crank out more seasonal WotLK content.

  4. A lot of resources, time, and focus shift from Warmane's bread and butter WotLK realms would be required to get a MoP realm fixed and profitable enough to break even. Resources that are needed now and until "re-launch" of Frostwolf are probably too high to take the risk.

  5. They need to simply work something out with the team that has MoP already fixed and figured out. If Warmane and the one actually decent MoP server could merge and give us WotLK and MoP in one place, with both teams under one name...

    It would just be really cool. I was here for the Arena-Tournament merge into Blackrock. Before that, Molten had their own max level server, but it switched to Cata and tanked everyones progress... Ah, memories. AT and Warmane merging was cool because it was the two best in their league joining forces.

    Now we have that with a team that has a great MoP experience and ability to garner population, but not hold it for various reasons, and Warmane which has proven itself over and over as a safe long term investment for WoW players to call home.

    MoP is so good. Warmane MoP is such a dream. PLEASE!!!

  6. I was here for the Arena-Tournament merge into Blackrock. Before that, Molten had their own max level server, but it switched to Cata and tanked everyones progress... Ah, memories. AT and Warmane merging was cool because it was the two best in their league joining forces.
    Arena Tournament was going to close and we absorbed them. It's a very different scenario.

  7. Idk if I am really adding anything here, but when the Molten down happened, and Frostwolf's Pop #s never recovered, I transferred my reestablished Mop char to Icecrown. I can't help but feel as if you should've done the same. Mop was always buggy as hell, which, at the time, seemed like a huge turn off towards people staying long-term.

  8. I can provide fixes and scripting if there is needed for MoP , but we need devs to revive thje realm , im looking foward to a progresive realm, that dont stop at only 3 expansions ...

  9. 4 Weeks Ago  
    I mean Warmane could start by enabling cross faction in order to make raids more possible. Like being able to invite alliance players into horde raids and vice versa. It's a pain already trying to transfer characters from the website (1 char = 25 days if you are Legate) if you use coins is the same number as points which doesn't make sense at all especially on a realm with low population.
    In my opinion these suggestions could be implemented without much effort. It would maybe help population growth.

    Hope moderators or/and the people in charge read this and change something for the benefit of Frostwolf.

  10. 5 Days Ago  
    Should beupgraded to the legion version,this version is the mostperfect

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