The best part of the year has finally arrived. We have prepared some interesting events for you to play and win some cool prizes.
Feel free to visit the original Holiday thread here.
Let's have some fun!
Schedule Most of the events will be described in announcements prior to the event starting!
As always, all times are GMT/UTC and match our current time that is shown on the website. Keep in mind that the times listed are subject to change so please check this schedule for your wanted events regularly. Also, we appreciate all feedback for the events as long as it's constructive.
The participation spots are handed out prior to the events and all is explained in the announcements just before it. Just log on roughly before or exactly at the time when the event starts and everything will be clear as day.
I see the Onyxia Magic Tile event got swapped for a 1v1 tournament - Will one of the 1v1 tournaments get swapped out for a Magic Tile event for Onyxia now?
Due to tehcnical difficulties today's Stairs event on Icecrown will be moved to another day on the Holiday season schedule. More information will be posted, sorry for the inconvenience!