I really enjoy playing on your server, and I’m expressing the opinion of many players here. When playing "WOW," I want my character to stand out and be unique, different from everyone else. Transmogrification is a great tool for this, but I strongly dislike your scroll system.
Yes, you have a guide explaining where and how to obtain them, but the reality is this: after two months of playing, I haven’t gotten a single scroll—neither from raids nor from PVP. It feels like this system is designed to push players toward buying scrolls in your store. On other private servers, there are NPCs who offer transmogrification for gold.
If creating a proper transmogrification system is too challenging, could you at least provide detailed information about the drop chances? Why not make the scrolls more accessible to players? Or, as a compromise, allow them to be exchanged for points?
I am awaiting a response that clarifies the drop chances for scrolls from each raid or PVP activity. Additionally, I’d like to understand the reasoning behind this system. Even on classic private servers, transmogrification is handled by NPCs for gold. Simply saying, "the kernel doesn’t allow it," is not an acceptable excuse.
They added the transmog system with the intention that it would be something you work towards, not just another venue to grind in the game. That being said, they aren't that hard to get. I've been collecting them casually over the years with 5 mogged sets and 158 scrolls on one character and friends in similar situations. It's fairly easy to get a scroll every week by clearing lvl80 raids. It's rare when I don't get a scroll after 2-3 raids, usually it happens in the first ICC clear but running TOC 10+25 is a good way to add a few more chances.
Every week I farm raids, but nothing drops. So, I want more specifics about the drop chance. I’ve already reached out in-game, but the GM just sent me a link to the forum.
Can't this be written in numbers? Is it really such a big secret?
I used to make Naxxramas 25 scroll / xmog runs for years on Icecrown server, with some added achievements to it for fun like 4 horsemen etc. Thing is, the more bosses in a raid the better chanse to get a scroll, Naxxramas is by far the best since it's tje raid with most bosses in wotlk and it's also the first raid of the expansion so bosses are made for people with next to no gear, ontop of this its a rather easy raid considering how big the instace is. 15 bosses, do both 10 and 25man and your up to 30 bosses, I met many who sais the same as you, "I farm raids and no scrolls" while doing voa with only 1 boss kill, icc with only 6 bosses cleared, toc has 5, rs has 1 (not honestly Sure about the "minibosses") and it all adds up to around 10-15 bosses killed in total.
Literally the transmog system is made to buy it from the web store because if u search these scrolls on wowhead they dont exist aslo first there is a bunch on ninja players and second is funny they made this system here on a server with a lot of players every week, day and night i mean is funny because it is like a system for servers that have low number of players and they need the money but bro warmane have a lot of years since they oponed the server as i said it has a bunch of players so to be honest i guess it is time to update the server to the modern transmog system the one that use gold to transmog ur weapons or gear because believe me this system is rlly kinda outdated for year 2025 to be honest.