1. The Great Book of Grudges

    The Book of Grudges is a sacred and massive tome made of stone, metal, and parchment.
    It is meticulously kept by the dwarves in their revered halls of Ironforge.

    Within its pages, every wrong, insult, or betrayal committed against the dwarves is recorded, serving as a solemn reminder of past grievances.

    It is essentially a record of all the terrible wrongs and treacherous deeds ever perpetrated against them, amounting to a very detailed recorded history of the Dwarves.

    The dwarves view the book as a symbol of their honor and loyalty, motivating them to seek retribution and uphold justice against their enemies until the grudges are resolved.

    Being a symbol of the absolute lordship of the Dwarf High Kings, the Great Book of Grudges is kept secret from the eyes of other races.

    In fact, few members of the outside world have even seen the tome, save for a small number of scribes.

  2. Let it not be forgotten - never wrong a dwarf !

    A grudge is, at face value, a simple thing. It is a record of a misdeed done to a dwarf, or the race of dwarves, so that the wrong might not be forgotten.

    In this regard, it is not so dissimilar to the concept of revenge with which we are all familiar.

    Yet a grudge is something much more than a simple call for vengeance, it forms a major part of dwarf law, it is an account of a dwarf's honour; it is a ledger of oaths and fealty.
    The diligence with which a dwarf trader totals his invoice is as nothing compared, to the detail and gravitas placed upon the scribing of a grudge.

    All dwarves record their grudges, but it is the greatest of grudges that concern us here.

    Each dwarven clan maintains a book of grudges, recorded in blood - several volumes, in fact.
    Some grudges are of a personal nature, some relate to the clan and his hold.

    Largest and most sacred of these is The Great Book of Grudges, currently held by High King Magni Bronzebeard, the commander of the Khaz Modan Infantry.

    When the Khaz Modan Infantry is called to war, the Book of Grudges is brought forth and Magni reads out aloud those grudges perpetrated by the enemy and not yet atoned for.

    Such is the power of the Book of Grudges, it is said to drive the dwarves into a fighting madness as their minds fill with the insults and wrongs of ages past.

    Fer Khaaaz Modaaaan !

  3. 4 Weeks Ago  
    On this grave day let it be written that High King Magni Bronzebeard records a great grudge against Frostmane Trolls.

    One hundred and twenty-three dwarfs have lost their lives this day in battle against the troll menace. All fought hard and valiantly. Amongst the dead are four to be especially missed for their deeds during the fighting.

    Hagrim of the Stormbeard clan was killed by a rock hurled by a Frostmane scout. He was leading the Stormbeards Infantry on an attack against the Frostmane left flank and had already accounted personally for some score or more of their number.

    Whilst fighting against a brutal and ugly troll warrior of some height and girth, Hagrim was momentarily laid upon his back. He was forced into this supine position by the fact of his opponent falling on top of him once its knees had been severed by a well-timed axe blow. From this predicament Hagrim was unable to extricate himself for several moments during which 4 other trolls loosened a boulder from the nearby ridge and left if to roll over the unsuspecting Stormbeards. Most managed to evade the impact of the boulder but Hagrim was crushed immediately as was his nephew Grodi who was attempting to assist Hagrim in freeing himself.

    Hagrim Stormbeard will be remembered, Grodi Stormbeard will be remembered.

    Despite the loss of their captain, the Stormbeard Infantry continued to press the enemy and routed many of their number from the field. The third death marked out for especial grudge is that of Bron Orcgrinder of Clan Orcgrinder. Bron gave his life in defence of his Thane. The brave beardling of only forty-three winters interposed himself between his liege-lord and the mace of a large and vicious Frostmane Grunt.

    Bron was carried from the field with his skull broken and despite the attentions of the priests, died from the injury before he reached Anvilmar Outpost.
    Bron Orcgrinder will be remembered.

    Rifleman Durin Troggbane, of the Wildhammer clan is also especially mourned for his sacrifice.

    The Frostmane trolls had flanked the main force and were in the process of preparing to charge Anvilmar itself.

    In the skies aboard his gyrocopter, Durin Troggbane saw the threat posed by this development and acted in a manner that will see him praised in the Military Ward of Ironforge. Durin expended the remaining ammunition in his Windlass-propelled Rotating Automated Handgun but due to buffeting winds was unable to direct the greater part of his shot at the trolls.

    These cowardly raiders were moments from reaching the Outpost on the outermost right flank when Durin Troggbane pushed his gyrocopter into a steep dive and crash-landed in their midst. Though many foul trolls were killed by this heroic act, Durin ensured the destruction of the flanking force in its entirety by the selfless detonation of the distilled alcohol burner powering the engine of his gyrocopter. The resultant explosion slew many of the stinking trolls and caused the few survivors to flee back in their caves, thus saving Anvilmar Outpost and everyone inside.

    Durin Troggbane will be remembered.

    And so, once written, a grudge can neither be erased nor struck through until it has been settled.

    The Khaz Modan Infantry leaves Ironforge and marches south through Kharanos and the Coldridge Pass to relieve the Anvilmar defenders.

    In the name of King Magni Bronzebeard, we settle the grudge with the Frostmane trolls and we descend upon them with all the might of the dwarven army !

    For the King!
    For Anvilmar!
    For Khaaaaz Modaaaan!

  4. 4 Weeks Ago  
    In the chilling depths of a cave near Kharanos, a number of adventurous dwarves sought refuge from the bitter cold.

    An act of malevolence befell our unsuspecting kin at the claws of the Wendingo beasts !

    On the eve of the 3rd of Frostfall, in the year 2025 AD, Wendingos descended upon our dwarven brethren, catching them off-guard and snuffing out their lives in onslaught.

    For this cruel and cowardly act of slaughter against our unsuspecting dwarves, we, the Khaz Modan Infantry, hereby declare this grudge against the Wendingos.

    In the name of King Magni Bronzebeard, we swear an oath of vengeance upon the Wendingo beasts.

    With the might of our hammers, we shall venture into the icy heart of the Wendingo cave and serve some old fashioned dwarven justice to those who dared to spill dwarven blood !

    For the King!
    For Ironforge!
    For Khaaaaz Modaaaan!

  5. 3 Weeks Ago  
    I, Movrak, bearer of this blood oath, declare a grudge against the foul Troggs who emerged from the tunnels to pillage and murder our kin in the Gol'Bolar quarry.

    These vile creatures, struck down our young dwarven miners and prospectors, looking only for blood and destruction.

    The echoes of their cries still resound through the tunnels of the old mine, begging for revenge.

    The Khaz Modan Infantry has been called once more in defense of our lands !

    Led by General Grimsteel, we vow to defend our kin, and to drive these invaders back into the darkness from whence they came, reclaiming the Quarry and security of our territory.

    Let our axes find their mark and our shields stand high, as we settle this grudge in blood and iron.

    For the King!
    For Ironforge!
    For Khaaaaz Modaaaan!

  6. 3 Weeks Ago  
    In the lands called Dun Algaz, near Loch Modan, where the dwarves of Khaz Modan have long held dominion, a grave threat has emerged in the form of the Dragonmaw Orcs.

    These greenskins have dared to expand from the Wetlands and encroach upon the borders of Loch Modan.

    On the eve of the 15th of Frostfall, in the year 2025 AD, the Dragonmaw Orcs launched an aggressive incursion, launching raids and pillaging the lands near Dun Algaz. They brazenly sought to expand their territory, trampling upon the rights and sovereignty of our dwarven people.

    For this blatant act of aggression and the menacing shadow cast upon Loch Modan, we, the Khaz Modan Infantry, hereby declare this grudge against the Dragonmaw Orcs.

    In the name of King Magni Bronzebeard, we pledge to protect our lands and people from this menacing horde.
    We shall march forth to Dun Algaz, confronting the Dragonmaw Orcs head-on, and will not rest until the greenskins are driven back to the Wetlands, and the borders of Loch Modan are secured once more.

    By the order of our Thane, this grudge shall be etched in stone until justice is served and the Dragonmaw Orcs face the wrath of the Khaz Modan Infantry.

    For the King!
    For Ironforge!
    For Khaaaaz Modaaaan!

  7. 2 Weeks Ago  
    In ancient ruins found in Loch Modan, just north of Thelssamar, our greatest archaeologists sought to uncover the secrets of our ancestors.

    As a result, a grave injustice was wrought upon us by the vile creatures known as Troggs.

    On the eve of the 5th of Frostfall, in the year 2025 AD, the Troggs invaded the ruins, driving away our esteemed archaeologists with their savage ferocity. They disrupted our painstaking work, vandalized our precious relics and forced our kin to flee for their lives.

    The Troggs, known for their mindless aggression and disregard for our cultural heritage, dared to violate the sanctity of our ancestral grounds. They can be identified by their foul smell first, but appear as a hunched apelike creature with boney protrusions from their flesh and short furry beards.

    For this despicable act of desecration, we, the Khaz Modan Infantry, hereby declare this grudge against the Troggs.

    In the name of King Magni Bronzebeard, we swear vengeance !

    With the strength of our dwarven will, we shall march into the ruins near Loch Modan, driving the Troggs back to their wretched caverns.

    For the King
    For Ironforge !
    For Khaaaaz Modaaaan !

  8. 2 Weeks Ago  
    We, the brave defenders of the dwarven lands, seek vengeance against the slimy Bluegill Murlocs of Wetlands.

    Their actions have caused pain and suffering to our people of this once peaceful land.

    These Murlocs have launched relentless ambushes, laying waste to our supply lines and slaughtering our kin. They have no regard for honor or fair combat, fleeing like cowards when faced with a true battle.

    Let it be known that their reign of terror shall not go unpunished.

    Their leader, Gobbler is of particular note, he is to be hunted and killed on sight. No murky waters will hide them from our scouts.

    In the name of King Magni Bronzebeard and general Steelgrim, we march forth and eradicate them all.

    For the King !
    For Ironforge !
    For Khaaaaz Modaaaan !

  9. 1 Week Ago  
    In the dim forests of Duskwood, the Splinter Fist Ogres committed a brazen act of thievery, plundering the revered coffers of our stout dwarven kin from Ironforge.

    Their greed knows no bounds, and this theft shall not go unpunished. The Khaz Modan Infantry, dispatched from Ironforge, marches forth to reclaim what was wrongfully taken, to restore honor to our people, and to strike vengeance upon these vile Ogres who dare to defile our heritage.

    Justice will be served with hammer and axe !

    In the name of King Magni Bronzebeard, we will settle this grudge, and the Splinter Fist Ogres shall know the wrath of the dwarves!

    For the King !
    For Ironforge !
    For Khaaaaz Modaaaan !

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