1. 1. you should solve the problem with the scripters on blackrock (my opinion is that the realms should not mix with each other in the arena. Because of this, players from icc or lordaeron gave up the arena because of those from blackrock).
    2. look for another method to promote 3s, it's dead. there are a maximum of 5 teams trying to climb as high as possible, of which 1 snipe and wins r1 unfairly because it spies on the lower ones in the rating.
    3. The imbalance between the factions due to the mercenary system. Once again pvp is dead because of this system (bgs). For several years I see the same players in bg of which 70% are from the alliance for the horde has no pvp guild because of the system. Many players left for the alliance for the human race because of the system, knowing that they can also play for the horde in bg, not only for the alliance. I think this would be a great update for the server and would revive the pvp that had been set for a long time. Thx

  2. I think this will cause a lot of abuse , especially on 3v3.

  3. the decreasing 50 rating makes no sense whatsoever, even if it's just a tiny amount and it's easy to get back, there is no reason as to why you should lose any rating.

  4. A better approach would be to make teams function more like solo queue. Players could queue for rated matches with anyone, and at the end of the season, rewards could be distributed based on the top percentage of players rather than limiting it to the top 1, top 5, etc.

    I understand there are limitations with the 3.3.5a client, but implementing this would significantly increase arena activity.

  5. Devlog - January 6, 2025:

    • Arena Teams will remember stats of its members after leaving.
    • Players will regain their stats upon re-joining an Arena Team.
    • The personal rating will decrease by 50 points every weekly flush in teams you have left.
    • Any Team Member can invite other players to join an Arena Team.

    Another thing to keep in mind is that the weekly arena point flush and end-season routines will not change, you will only gain points and end-season rewards from teams you are active in and fill the criteria for.
    (TLDR; Good start, some stuff is unclear, some stuff could give you issues and solo teams are still the best change blizzard has done ever.)

    These are clear improvements over the base system, thanks for considering them.

    That being said I still have a few questions about the design decisions made.
    First of all, can you give a motivating example as to why there is a 50-point rating penalty for all teams you participate in but aren't in at the time of the weekly flush? It just seems like it's there just to have it there as some kind of 'balancing' for 'buffing' the system. This isn't a game-balancing case, we are just improving a system.

    Secondly and building on top of what I just asked. If you already WOULD have a 'trivial' system that keeps track of your teams to penalize you in all but one of them, couldn't we then convert its purpose to that of checking what your arena point returns would be for each team (so 10 weekly games check + calculation)? We can then just pool all the flush amounts of each eligible team into a set A and award max(A) as your weekly flush thereby removing the constraint of needing to be in the team at the time of the flush (maybe even the end of the season to avoid any possible, yet classic, pvp drama).

    Thirdly, giving every member the power to invite while having member caps might open you up to more troll scenarios (and GM tickets) such as people being locked out of their main team at the time of the weekly flush (using the current flush system).

    Lastly, I assume your personal MMR will be stored on a team level to avoid MMR dropping but does that also mean it will reset to 1500 if you join a new team? I would personally love that idea because then I can play troll comps at an easier level, but it also implies that PVP boosting services are now easier to pull off. Speaking of PVP tryhards, the system also has no real tryhard benefits like solo arena teams have such as dynamically swapping ur comp to mutually push from everyone's existing rating.

    I'm just listing things that come to mind, your current idea is already an improvement over what we have now so I'll gladly take it. Thanks for letting the community give some input on it.

  6. the ability to leave and rejoin teams with stats intact may encourage sniping and counter-picking, where players exploit the system to dodge unfavorable matchups or create counter comps. This behavior undermines fair competition and could discourage participation, as matchmaking becomes less spontaneous and more strategic.

    While these changes work well with a large player pool, Warmane’s smaller PvP community amplifies these issues, disrupting the competitive integrity of arenas.

  7. I think the best way to truly achieve more liberty for the players to queue with different friends would be to adapt the 2s and 3s brackets the way Solo Queue works. Just have an NPC automatically create a personal team (2s/3s) and then you can queue with whoever you want (checking correct party size). Something like this:

    Player 1 and Player 2 want to play 2s. Both create their personal teams through the NPC. They make party and queue, when winning or losing both their teams increase/decrease rating. They can at another time queue with someone else and now the involved players' teams would be affected..

  8. I think the best way to truly achieve more liberty for the players to queue with different friends would be to adapt the 2s and 3s brackets the way Solo Queue works. Just have an NPC automatically create a personal team (2s/3s) and then you can queue with whoever you want (checking correct party size). Something like this:

    Player 1 and Player 2 want to play 2s. Both create their personal teams through the NPC. They make party and queue, when winning or losing both their teams increase/decrease rating. They can at another time queue with someone else and now the involved players' teams would be affected..
    yea this is far a better suggestion, just give everybody the chance to play with whoever they want and keep their personal rating with the ability to reset team if they want to same as solo queue

  9. Excellent idea. That will keep the ladder alive, allowing people to try differents comps/playing with friends without having to use multiple character or risk losing arena rating.

  10. This sounds great. As a player who plays with different people all the time, it would be nice to keep the rating after you leave.

  11. It is really nice that this is being addressed, but the way you aim to do it may only complicate things.
    PPL can grief a lot, I agree with the comments about making it as is the 3v3 soloq.
    Everyone have personal rating and que with whoever he wants - party mmr will be calculated average of both players personal mmr.

  12. 4 Weeks Ago  
    the only way to rly solve the problem is to make it like solo q: you just have to inv ur friend to a party and q 2v2, otherwise i see no benifit at all u only complicating things for no reason.

  13. 4 Weeks Ago  
    Devlog - January 6, 2025:

    Arena teams have been an important part of the game from TBC until late MoP. In Patch 5.4.0 (and WotLK Classic) they were replaced by personal arena stats. We think Arena Teams are a good feature, it adds personality to the game, it makes you 'bond' with your Arena Partners as it requires effort from all members to get an Arena Team to high ratings, team names also add a certain charm.

    There is one big downside however, it makes playing arena with your friends a lot harder as you lose your win/lose stats and team rating when you switch to a different team.
    This is just theory in practice on lordaeron alliance side i spam 4h to get anybody to play 10 arena for poinst but nobody wanna leave his own team because he will lose all his progres. And if he join your team he will propably be kicked after flush and her we go again start from 0 rating. This is why nobody even wanna try pvp on wotlk.

    Devlog - January 6, 2025:
    We have the following changes in mind:

    Arena Teams will remember stats of its members after leaving.
    Players will regain their stats upon re-joining an Arena Team.
    The personal rating will decrease by 50 points every weekly flush in teams you have left.
    Any Team Member can invite other players to join an Arena Team.
    You are unnecesary complicating simple spolution. Just copy paste solo que to 2v2 with "if" check to see if you have somebody in party to que. And only que if you have somebody in party. Losing 50 points after leaving another bad idea. Whole point of this change is to not lose personal rating. Also alowing random guy to invite somebody to you team is huge mistake. Imagine that you have 1930 rating and you go sleep next day you wanna push for wf helm and you see now you have only 1600 rating. This is rly bad idea.

    Devlog - January 6, 2025:
    As such, we think it's time to make a couple changes, modernizing how arena teams work and making it easier to play with others. We are however still bound by the 3.3.5a game client and as such cannot remove arena teams entirely.

    Blizzard didn`t had original sorce code for wotlk clasic they just use private servers core and improved it. I seen alot of early trinity core bugs on wotlk clasic. You just need to use/improve solo que that only alowe you to que 2v2 if you have 2 person in party. Not 0 not 1 3 4 5 just 2. You propably should do this only for 2v2 because 99% ppl go only 2v2 and they rly don`t care about 3v3. Maybe later you can add this to 3v3 if it will work well.

    btw when i finaly found somebody on this dead realm to push rating i lost all progres after flush. Not good but i apriciate that you finally start thinking about arena team because it`s ~2008 solution and now we see more how make it less anoying for new ppl. If on wotlk it was working rly well why not apply on warmane?
    Edited: 4 Weeks Ago Reason: Removed attempt to hijack announcement with unrelated "suggestions."

  14. 4 Weeks Ago  
    Let me remind people that this is a thread with the official announcement of a proposal for the Arena system, as so many seem to have forgotten. That's the topic, period. So far I had only deleted off-topic posts, giving a little leeway as people are frustrated, in the hopes they would take the hint when posts aren't there anymore, but it's still happening, so it might require further actions.

  15. 4 Weeks Ago  
    Arena Teams will remember stats of its members after leaving.
    Players will regain their stats upon re-joining an Arena Team.
    - What about bought characters..instant unlocked gear?

    Any Team Member can invite other players to join an Arena Team.
    - So if ANY player in team X gets braindamaged at some point, he can invite alt/buddy and f*** up the team statistics?

    I don't see why you don't convert all brackets to be like SoloQ + adding custom commands to queue for 2v2 and 3v3 instead waiting near those *** ancient npcs. Always trying to do stuff the complicated way and always tons of following issues nobody thought about

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