(can't edit posts)
also thank god you're making it way easier for all boosters out there..no more mmr dropping since it's gonna be resetted upon entering new team and remembered on old team, right? or you will just keep it the old fashioned way, entering fresh team on 2500 mmr and boosting your partner to 2k in 15 games XD meanwhile you're losing no rating at all..because..you will return to your actual team after that. flaws. flaws. flaws. all i can see
Thats a good start to try revive all the brackets.
Altho you should just make the soloq system, i mean that u've a static team and you dont need invite anyone in your team, kinda the same as retail if im not wrong.
Also i would like to add that in such case, Gms/staff will need more effort then now to "catch" the wintraders etc, as in that situation nothing stops anyone to play X day with 1 guy, and right after with another guy at high mmr, facing the guy who joined before the "enemy team".
I'm quite scared about that to be honest.
But anyway, as someone who wont go for ranks/titles, i'm up for literally everything that can pump up the ques especially in 3s.
Something that must be keep in consider is that in this way there will be tons of tryhard who will snipe with countercomp-counterspec, i would also suggest to simply not allow /who in any situation who is arena., just disable it when inside arena or make it appear ljust where they are before joining it Saw many people waiting for the enemy team to join and /who outside to change spec etc.
If you're plan is to make the arena active (and your topic will!) keep in mind also this.
- If your MMR is bound to teams and resets upon entering a new team, people will keep making new teams to smurf at low rating.
- If your MMR does not reset, people can leave their main team to intentionally drop MMR in another team, and I do not see how this can be distinguished from simply playing legitimately with weaker partners or team comps.
I do like the idea of making it easier to play with different people a lot, but I do not see how the proposed system will not be abused. As others have already pointed out and the only solution I can see, is to adopt the solo queue system (with the limitation that you can only queue as a full team).
The 'solo queue teams’ idea is indeed an option to consider, but we’re not looking to overhaul the whole arena team system at this moment. Especially not mid-season.
We might reconsider this at a later date, but there's a bunch of technical hurdles to overcome before we can do that.
Our belief is that the changes that were suggested will add more flexibility and quality of life without requiring a complete overhaul.
We accepted the feedback for removing the weekly -50 personal rating penalty for inactive team members, since it won't really add anything to the experience.
As such, we will move ahead with the suggested changes, most likely by the end of the month or even before it. The devlog will be updated when we do so.
The post above will be integrated to the first post as well, for easy finding.
I agree 100%! Its time they removed the dammed arena teams... Would make so many more ppl play on the server. U are to dependent on ur arena partner.. Affects ppl like me that just want to logg on sometimes and play for fun. No ppl want to leave their teams...
Removing arena teams altogether would be best in my opinion. These changes try to keep arena teams alive, but i don't see anyone want that except the top 1% players so they can flex or idk. The changes would be beneficial for the majority of pvp players.
Removing arena teams altogether would be best in my opinion. These changes try to keep arena teams alive, but i don't see anyone want that except the top 1% players so they can flex or idk. The changes would be beneficial for the majority of pvp players.
Keeping teams in some form is relevant for the purpose of getting people to speak to each other outside of talking smack. May be best to avoid the effect of RDF, or the things that came later like raid finder, and other things. A full-blown auto queue system like soloq or RDF might be ideal for the individual, but it is not ideal for a community.