1. 4 Weeks Ago  

    save MOP realm

    1) character transfers from wotlk to mop
    If you allow transfers they will also bring their gold, their max professions, their heirlooms and that alone would give a big bump on the servers economy and population. Right now you cant even buy gold for coins because no one is selling, because there is not enough population for gold to be made. There are so many people with lvl80 characters sitting on barracks doing nothing.

    2) crossfaction rdf and raid groups
    Do I even have to explain? If you type /who on either alliance or horde you will see less than 50 players online.

  2. 4 Weeks Ago  
    Where would you get those WotLK players to join MoP? You think people from WotLK realms wants to downgrade to MoP? Warmane's MoP isn't developed enough to even entertain the idea of such transfers.

    If characters are sitting in barracks doing nothing, you think they'd do anything else in MoP?

  3. 4 Weeks Ago  
    a lot of players want MOP mostly for the pvp content

  4. 4 Weeks Ago  
    Who are these "a lot of people"? Where are they, how many are they, why do you think they they would play with a transferred character if they haven't with a new one in years?

  5. 4 Weeks Ago  
    Given MOP is WAY more buggy right now than Wrath, and that the only real redeeming qualities are being able to fly anywhere and explore new areas...yeah, no. There's no way I'm sending my toon to a real that's not as built out for those benefits.

  6. 4 Weeks Ago  
    No one is forcing you to transfer anything. This would be an option for the players that want a fresh start on MoP realm but NOT from lvl1. And how do you know how buggy it is if you dont even play?

  7. 4 Weeks Ago  
    Right, but what I'm saying is that I wouldn't want that, and I know there are many people who think the same things as me. You seem to think that there is some vast majority of players who would want that, or at least a large group of them, and none of which seem to frequent the forums.

    Now, if you can provide proof that a lot of people would want it, great! Good for you all. But just know that there are people like me who see no benefit to it.

    Also, "And how do you know how buggy it is if you dont even play? " is a nonsensical argument. I don;t have to play to know that there are others who say it is. This is like saying "how do you know eating dog poop is bad for your health if you've never tried it?". I don't have to try it to know from others experiences.

  8. 4 Weeks Ago  
    How are you gonna make enough gold for mounts? If you want glyphs you have to make a char and max herbalism/inscription to do it yourself. Same thing for gems and enchants. Do I really have to explain why people wont even touch an unpopulated server even if they prefer the expansion? Just search for MoP private servers and see how many people play for the past few years. There is a SMALL percentage of Icecrown players willing to transfer their abandoned 80s on MoP. That small percentage is enough to make raids and bgs. MoP is coming on classic and Frostwolf is already doubled and tripled in population either you like it or not. And Aoto I saved all of your fear tactic whispers :)

  9. 4 Weeks Ago  
    If it's will be free i'll copy my characters

  10. 4 Weeks Ago  
    That small percentage is enough to make raids and bgs.
    More like a raid and a BG, at best.

    MoP is coming on classic and Frostwolf is already doubled and tripled in population either you like it or not.
    It has? I think it's been around 300 players for years now..

    If you wanted to make MoP more popular, Warmane would need to make it far more operational before players would flock in any meaningful amount. I'd say Warmane has allowed MoP to exist, and that's about it. I wouldn't expect any/much changes in that regard.

  11. 4 Weeks Ago  
    Good for them. Not being sarcastic, I legit want Warmane to do good. Pulling in more people = better server (group) overall. I personally, don't care for it, with some small exceptions (flight everywhere, Pandaria), so it's not a "whether I like it or not" kind of thing. It doesn't affect me on Icecrown at all. Actually, if there was a population group that left, it would actually make my life easier, with smaller queues and such. I played in the non-bug (in theory) official game during Pandaria, but the changes were too much, and I didn't enjoy them compared to Wrath.

    There's a reason to this day that Wrath has continued to succeed, while Cata, and even Panda, has dropped off, reflecting the "real" game. The changes were unpopular.

    I legit would like to enjoy Pandaria. I don't care for the Talent changes, though, and overall, like how the game was designed in that Xpac vs Cata and Panda's changes. Maybe, maybe, I could learn to like them, but from my experiences, I don;t think so. And I suspect that there are many people who think like me, hence Wrath remaining more popular to this day, despite being nearly 20 years old now (jeez, maybe we DO need to move on lol).

    Again, I do wish you luck, but don't hold your breath.

    Also, what "Fear tactics" are you talking about? The "facts" I mentioned?

  12. 4 Weeks Ago  
    OhieMitzen. My post got deleted so I cant say much. You are gonna have to do your 10 seconds homework to find the numbers for the first one, and log Frostwolf for the second one. I would appreciate if a mod would message me exactly what I shouldnt mention.

    Aoto. I cant post these screenshots or talk about it without getting banned from the forum. But all I can say is that you used 3 different toons to "convince" me.

  13. 4 Weeks Ago  
    Pretty sure I only used 1, the others were not from me.

  14. 4 Weeks Ago  
    The 2nd whispered me less than a minute after 1st one and the 3rd less than a minute after the 2nd. All 3 trying to stop making me talk about MoP. Out of the several dozen whispers and messages only these 3, one right after the other, tried to make me stop talking about MoP. Not gonna play your childish games.

  15. 4 Weeks Ago  
    Not sure what to tell you. I messaged you once, and that was it.

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