Same with my 2s. Hoping they get this fixed before cap. It sucks not being able to play.
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Same with my 2s. Hoping they get this fixed before cap. It sucks not being able to play.
Same on my char and my partner's char on blackrock
Really hope they can fix soon as flush is coming up
Still waiting on points for my 3v3 team. I got 0 points. The team is no longer bugged, but still no points.
Still Nothing !!! Pls Warmane... my char havent received the points for the arenas 2 week historically.. character: Aldrix
Yeah I don't think we're gonna get the points for that cap lol
They better be... I hope Warmane can do better than that... or you need some extra logs? If you cant get them yourselves? Or maybe I should do all the process myself. Cause there seems to be no one competent!!!
Apparently none of us who missed out on points are getting points anymore. I asked a GM for an update in game and got this:
Oof that is rough.
Such a pathetic answer!!! How hard is to fckin add us arena points based on our personal rating??? And we have the evidence! If you **** up something, you have to repair it!!! Bunch of morons rlly.
This is ridiculous! They broke the system themselves, then restored arena points to only a portion of the players, and have stated several times that they are still working on restoring arena points.
Any official comments?
That’s my only hope is that the GM was incorrect or misunderstood my question. But I highly doubt it at this point unless we get some official statement.
Warmane should be held accountable for this! And do not lie to us that they are recovering the points and working on the issue when they are not doing so... Can we get some official statement whether we are getting the points or not??? @Warmane staff.... I wanted to buy Gladiator wep this week but I am missing some points.. thanks!!