This makes no sense, you're following the "original" release date which was with BT and yet you keep raids in phases 1-2-3... etc. Both tier 4 and tier 5 were available from day 1 so why not be available here too? Why are you following both "Classic" Tbc and "Original" Tbc? Does it make sense? No, it does not but yet you decide to follow which one suits you. It's either "Classic" Wow or "Original" Wow make up your mind.......
This makes no sense, you're following the "original" release date which was with BT and yet you keep raids in phases 1-2-3... etc. Both tier 4 and tier 5 were available from day 1 so why not be available here too? Why are you following both "Classic" Tbc and "Original" Tbc? Does it make sense? No, it does not but yet you decide to follow which one suits you. It's either "Classic" Wow or "Original" Wow make up your mind.......
I'm not sure if it means that something wont be in next phase, if it's missing on PTR, for example items. Maybe, maybe not. Never really did much of ptr stuff here so.
Nobody has yet said that the goggles wont be released in Onyxia phase 2, but yes ,originally they were released very late making them nearly outdated already.
Onyxia combines parts of Original tbc phases and some of it's own as we have seen. Some stuff og did well that doesn't need to be changed, other not so much. so anything is possible.
TBC was a very very messy expansion. It has more bugs and fixes and changes than probably any other expansion. They had to rebalance so many items and so many mechanics. The original game really wasn't well executed.
So it's important to recognize when things were released later, many of these things were introduced as fixes and as a way to balance the game. It's my belief that Blizzard rolled out the content correctly in Classic as they would've liked to have released it in the original game.
Engineering in particular was a profession that lacked in phase 1 of original TBC and wasn't desirable. Other professions brought superior epic pieces to the table. Engineering is a profession that was adjusted later on to be on the same level as other professions. So in reality Warmane is just emulating an unbalanced version of the game that Blizzard threw away.
Keep in mind in the original game Karazhan epics were weaker than dungeon heroic loot. This at the time of both T4 and T5 being available. We don't have that here. So I'm not sure what they're trying to do here. Blizzard created original TBC and Classic so I don't get the whole opposition to Classic here. Especially since the player base is coming from that and clearly wants it.
Because another Moderator saw it first.
I'd have given you free vacations instead.
Not sure where I should write a normal topic about some critique, where you could normally answer rather than delete messages/topics and ban users. Give me suggestions please. And I mean public topic, not a DM, so people can share their thoughts without being threatened or getting banned.
If the deleted message is what in your mind means "some critique," you're better off keeping it to yourself.
That is very subjective if you are very sensitive person. I don't want to offend anybody here, let's make that clear. You did great job with WotLK servers and content is scripted perfectly and the dedication and devotion is there, but I can't get why every bit of something negative about how server works is just something majority of staff can't stand. The message that got deleted was really a little too much, because I lost it due things I listed there nonetheless I felt it's like that.
There are some things, that players don't like and majority of community would like to see a change or atleast some justification (e.g. Dog Enslaving in Karazhan), where you completely ignored appeals from top 2 guilds and when I came up with what Mercy wanted on bugtracker, it just got deleted with no response. And it was just what he wanted to consider the change. And there are a lot more things (Englineering googles - this thread) etc. I mean if you would face negative things more manly way, where someone would really explain things and why you thinking the way you thinking, maybe players would be more indulgent and respect the decisions and therefore it would form tight and great supportive community.
It doesn't all fall under one umbrella. The content difficulty or the dreadbeast subject are different things.
The release of content does have to be watched because it can break the game. But some content like these engineering goggles was fixed as a way to balance the game. Another example is the ammunition, right now you have 43 dps crafted bullets and removed the 37 dps ones. The actual dps values of the ammunition don't match the original game. That was all corrected later and now you see it presented as it was fixed in Classic. There are good reasons for these updates.
Engineering is already the most unpopular profession.
Given that it's already nerfed here by disabling the belt in the arena, engineering goggles in season 2 would be justified.
There were both goggles and belt in TBC classic.