1. 1 Week Ago  
    It's gonna be refreshing to not see 95% of the server wearing engineering goggles.
    Maybe you should campaign against Spellstrike next. I mean really giving deathblow to feral druids/rogues is it really game breaking? Melee already had the disadvantage in T5. I mean I guess the crafted weapons with incorrect values in these phases compared to original TBC helps. Not sure why that's allowed and not this.

  2. 5 Days Ago  
    Maybe you should campaign against Spellstrike next. I mean really giving deathblow to feral druids/rogues is it really game breaking? Melee already had the disadvantage in T5. I mean I guess the crafted weapons with incorrect values in these phases compared to original TBC helps. Not sure why that's allowed and not this.
    Spellstrike was in the game from the original TBC launch. The goggles weren't.

    Warmane is emulating original TBC timeline.

    I'd agree, those items are busted for phase 1-3, but that is how the original TBC was too - you just didn't see them as commonly because the game wasn't as commonly figured out in terms of farming gold and did not have such an easily accessible store to buy gold as there is here.

    (Yeah, you could always buy gold in retail, but this was against TOS, Warmane does have a safe way to buy gold if you wish..not the discussion I'm going for, however, before people start moaning about that too.)

    I want them to be added and many people do too which is why as my previous comment I would rather have some feedback from the staff team if it is possible for this to be polled as you did with arena items that were allowed in original TBC?

  3. 5 Days Ago  
    I would rather have some feedback from the staff team if it is possible for this to be polled as you did with arena items that were allowed in original TBC?
    This isn't a similar case. That was about not allowing certain items in Arena matches for the sake of balance, everything was still in the game when it should have been. This is about simply adding an item when it's supposed to be added, instead of when some players wish it was for their personal benefit. We don't really poll for "should we follow the schedule or not?" If that somehow, for some obscure reason changes, players will find out.

  4. 5 Days Ago  
    Spellstrike was in the game from the original TBC launch. The goggles weren't.

    Warmane is emulating original TBC timeline.
    That is correct. My point being Tailoring was a profession with an advantage, Engineering was not. My argument is that Blizzard balanced engineering later on to be on level with other professions. Blizzard, who created original TBC, released the goggles in Classic earlier... why?

    Warmane is not actually emulating original TBC because they're locked to 2.4.3 content. Original TBC was horribly unbalanced with item values. They fixed all this though. What I'm saying was Engineering was part of those fixes.

    Regardless though it just makes logical sense, it isn't game breaking and the people want it. It fits the content really well. We had R14 in phase 1 of Vanilla, a slightly better helm for a couple classes is just whatever.

  5. 5 Days Ago  
    This isn't a similar case. That was about not allowing certain items in Arena matches for the sake of balance, everything was still in the game when it should have been. This is about simply adding an item when it's supposed to be added, instead of when some players wish it was for their personal benefit. We don't really poll for "should we follow the schedule or not?" If that somehow, for some obscure reason changes, players will find out.
    I would disagree with this because the schedule of releasing content by patch from original TBC isn't and cannot be followed by Warmane.

    One example of many is the primalstrike set from leatherworking had its set bonus changed from strength to AP. This made the set BIS in earlier phases on Classic and was kept the same on Onyxia. This update happened in 2.1. And sure you can say on Onyxia developer's hands are tied because the older version of the item doesn't exist because the content used is from 2.4.3. BUT that would mean Warmane is selectively releasing content due to limitations on a schedule that doesn't actually emulate original TBC.

    So if we're not actually following the original patch notes and items that give an advantage are already available in the game then why shouldn't players be allowed to have an opinion on what should and shouldn't be in the game for other similar items?

  6. 4 Days Ago  
    You are allowed to have an opinion. That's what this whole thread is about. You don't make decisions, though, that was never on the table. Even polls are merely to gauge interest, not some signed contract. If people against the result of a poll which had little attendance bring very good arguments, it could still be discarded. Opinions are taken into consideration, but the final call remains with the management.

    As you say not everything can be followed due to how we are in essence emulating Burning Crusade within Wrath of the Lich King, but that by no means opens a breach for slippery slope arguments. There's no "since you did X you should/have to/must do Y too." Even more so when there's no prohibitive factor forcing an item to be released out of the expected schedule.

  7. 2 Days Ago  
    I also confirm, adding goggles in black temple phase does not make sense. Blizzard did it in the first version of the game because engineering was useless before that, and the proof is they corrected it in TBC classic.

    If you wanted to follow original TBC timeline then you should have release T5 at the beginning.

  8. 1 Day Ago  
    I also confirm, adding goggles in black temple phase does not make sense. Blizzard did it in the first version of the game because engineering was useless before that, and the proof is they corrected it in TBC classic.

    If you wanted to follow original TBC timeline then you should have release T5 at the beginning.
    Yep that's it. It's pretty normal with major releases to push to launch before all the details get worked out. Patch 2.1 is really the start of the game players recognize today. Blizzard did a good job rereleasing the game and I think that's how it was originally intended and the expectation of players now. Players don't really remember those earlier days or weren't there.

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