Changes made on drop rate of Transmogrification scrolls?
Hellou, so as many people surely have noticed the few past months the droprate of scrolls has been lowered. And ol' legend says, it happens every year near christmas/new year event but then should revert back to 'normal, as usually'.
However, as i have talked with many old players about this, many now seem to think that there were new changes implemented at the end of last year; specifically that you can NOT get more than 1 scroll in a week, PER ACCOUNT, not just character.
Now I haven't yet found any real statement about how the loot-table of these things should work, but if it truly is now so, I must ask- Isnt this kind of update only ruining the raid forming in the sense that now only really the people who actually need gear will join raids, or with luck someone who hasnt yet obtained a single scroll for a whole week for his now only character he plays, for tmog? Many of us have multiple characters we've build for years, and with this change, I dont think there is any reason to log on em anymore if we really must 'gear and tmog' one char at a time.
I understand transmogging isnt such big thing for many, but even if only 30% of server total population saw some value in it and with that in mind joined alt raids to help em out in hope of getting a scroll, thats 30% more raids happening. So please someone correct me in this, I cant myself believe such mindless change would had been implemented. Rarity drop% I understand, in monetary sense but 1 per account? No way?
Tmog was never meant to be quick and easy. It's meant to be a long process that people can (opt to) farm for. I doubt there's any changes made to scroll drop rates, just bad RNG for a while.
To understand how rare they actually are, for each boss you do a /roll is made and you have to land on 100 or 99, if it's 2% drop chance.
If tmog scrolls not dropping will ruin raiding, how raiding wasn't ruined when we didn't have tmog?
It's about 35 bosses for an expected 50% chance for a scroll to drop ONCE. 114 bosses for expected 90% chance.. double that for a 99% chance.
My concern was not low droprate in itself, although i wouldnt bother anymore if it was like 1 scroll per 2-3 weeks as it have now felt for bit over month while raiding with multiple characters... Concern in question was that i am now feeling that I have nothing to do anymore if I cant play raids on any of my alts, since I fear the chance of obtainin the scroll on wrong character. If that system works indeed that way, you play it down but I dont understand why transmogrification should be taken to such lengths? What was wrong with how it used to be? Be it 2% or whatever, at least we should have that chance on all alts on same account in my opinion
Edited: 3 Weeks Ago
Reason: bad attitude, tried to civilize it
Concern in question was that i am now feeling that I have nothing to do anymore if I cant play raids on any of my alts, since I fear the chance of obtainin the scroll on wrong character.
If you're only raiding to get scrolls, an item and extra that wasn't in wotlk, I don't really know what to tell you. The drop% is really low, has always been really low. RNGesus might hate you too. There are times I can raid 10-15 times in a week and get 0 scrolls, or times like yesterday I got two scrolls while doing four raids. The drop rate hasn't changed, from my understanding.