1. 3 Weeks Ago  

    New To Raids


    I am motivated player who wants to experience all that game offers.

    I reached GS 4619 and ILevel230 but cant find any raids...

    Please if you are interested to get New Damage Demolock in your list,contact me.

    all suggestions will be appreciated

    Here is My Character > https://armory.warmane.com/character...ecrown/summary

  2. 3 Weeks Ago  
    Remove any item you have which does not have spell power or int on your char. Medaillon of the alliance is useless, you are human. Harbinger bone band,
    that stuff is for tanks. you are dps. Ick rotting thumb, again useless for your class. (not from a gs perspective i know)
    obviously, you need to keep doing RDF HC / FoS / PoS until you get to 4.8-5kgs full SP. Trinkets and Main Wep is very important to your damage don't skip those.
    you need also : reputations with sons of hodir so you can get the shoulder enchant. you need to be fully enchanted (ilvl232 gear min) and gemmed to be accepted into a raid. if the raid leader inspect you, and see that tanking stuff+pvp stuff, you're out.
    keep reading guides on your class and always try to improve.

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