Please for the LOVE of GOD make a debuff for farmers
Hello! I am a player who enjoys PVP, Battlegrounds etc ,BUT I am also an achievement farmer. It took me long time to get to where I am now as such . I have 1 last battleground achievement to farm and that is Warsong Gulch reputation farming achievement . Since I am not working anymore I have all the time in the world and I am only spamming WSG like crazy . My particular problem are farming premades that join only to farm people on the graveyard. As soon as battle starts people go the graveyard and sit there for 25 minites without doing nothing else . I go take the flag , they don't help me , that is fine . Sometimes tho a player from enemy team takes flag too , they simply do nothing to stop him . They don't go to kill him , they don't even try to go to him to kill , THEY ONLY STAY AT THAT GRAVEYARD FARMING ENEMY PLAYERS for heroic kills . I had this problem in Alterac Valley as well . It is simply impossible to even TRY to farm reputation this way . So please make something like debuff for people who stay at enemy graveyard more than 2 minutes like you made deserter debuff . It is so frustrating for people like me who are trying to enjoy the game . Thank you for your time , I'm looking forward for your answer.
Sure but they are not doing the objective of the battleground
u mean things like burning towers/bunkers? killing npcs? isnt winning is the ultimate objective of playing bgs? if locking down people in gy does the job, i cant see why not
u mean things like burning towers/bunkers? killing npcs? isnt winning is the ultimate objective of playing bgs? if locking down people in gy does the job, i cant see why not
Would you feel nice and fulfilled if everytime you join a battleground you are being farmed at the graveyard with nothing else to do than either sit afk or leave battlegrand and get deserter?
Would you feel nice and fulfilled if everytime you join a battleground you are being farmed at the graveyard with nothing else to do than either sit afk or leave battlegrand and get deserter?
Ofc not, losing sucks. But if the cant farm u in gy, they will farm you elsewhere. The result will still the same.
And restricting bgs to only do objectives besides killing isnt an option either.
The best thing probably restrict premade completely, which the stronger team will most likely do the same thing all over again.
Ofc not, losing sucks. But if the cant farm u in gy, they will farm you elsewhere. The result will still the same.
And restricting bgs to only do objectives besides killing isnt an option either.
The best thing probably restrict premade completely, which the stronger team will most likely do the same thing all over again.
They won't be able to farm the whole team if it gets to there because the graveyard is the only convinient spot for them to do so . They can't farm you if you are all scattered around the whole battleground . I'm simply offering to put a debuff on them if they stay for more than 2 minutes on enemy graveyard . It doesn't even have to be a kicking out of battleground debuff .. you can make a debuff that decreases their forces or something like that . Do not get the wrong impression I am not a sore loser or anything like that . I am not saying battlegrounds should be only doing objectives either . I am simply offering you a solution to this problem which other people would agree with me on . It took me literally 5 months to get 100 Alterac Valley wins just because premades were only farming people ... I am currently on month 2 of WSG rep farm and i barely got to 5k/21k because i receive no help whatsoever ? You are definetely not making people lives like mine easier by not doing anything on the graveyard farm matter . I don't want to be disrespectful but not doing anything on the matter equals patronizing such behaviour ( which is letting op people demonstrating how powerful their team is while not allowing you to move even 1 step before you are killed . You and your team don't even have a SECOND to buff yourselves and try to defeat them . All that is left to do is just stay and let youself be farmed . If that is the point that you are trying to prove and you think that is fair , so be it ). That is all i have to say .
The optimal strategy for winning wsg involves controlling the enemy graveyard right after winning the mid fight:
If the enemy has lost the mid fight, that means their team is weaker. A few enemies will leave the battleground, and new enemies will join. Those new enemies may be better than the ones that left, which means they could overwhelm you and turn the tide. That's why controlling the enemy graveyard as soon as possible is important. Repeatedly killing the enemies that spawn in the enemy graveyard (and the new ones that teleport in the flag room) demoralises the entire team through attrition, making it almost impossible for them to regroup.
So you are asking for people to abandon the best strategy to win wsg. That's going to be complicated.
The optimal strategy for winning wsg involves controlling the enemy graveyard right after winning the mid fight:
If the enemy has lost the mid fight, that means their team is weaker. A few enemies will leave the battleground, and new enemies will join. Those new enemies may be better than the ones that left, which means they could overwhelm you and turn the tide. That's why controlling the enemy graveyard as soon as possible is important. Repeatedly killing the enemies that spawn in the enemy graveyard (and the new ones that teleport in the flag room) demoralises the entire team through attrition, making it almost impossible for them to regroup.
So you are asking for people to abandon the best strategy to win wsg. That's going to be complicated.
Force isn't the only thing necessary to win. Sometimes you can win with just brain and teamplay .By being farmed at graveyard you can't use neither . Yea some players leave , some join sounds good technically . But reallity is different , those who leave are good players who are usefull for the time just because mentality , and others join which either leave or stay (most of the cases if the new enemy joins and stays in a loosing battleground they just sit afk after they died once ) . It is not necessary to hold graveyard to keep your opponent under control, in fact i won most of my battleground by me and team fighting jn the middle and if it is a flag cartying battleground flag carrier just surrounds them . Every team should have equal chance to win , of course someone has to lose , but you can still lose by NOT being farmed at graveyard... Another optimal strategy would be if whole team goes for flag and defeat enemy there , also a good way to win . There are many optimal strategies , winning middle and farming ppl at gy is not the answer, especially when bis players make a premade of heals and op dps frm op classes and join just so they can do that have become a habit and something u meet in every single battleground. I get that objectives shouldn't be the only thing that u should do in a bg , but should farmjng people and being farmed be?
Intentionally trying not to win a bg should count as wintrading or something like that. They are literally sabotaging the players experience on both teams. In the real world when people are proven to be mentally ill they have some of their legal rights taken away. I suggest a new type of "ban" where you get battleground deserter for a few days.
Intentionally trying not to win a bg should count as wintrading or something like that. They are literally sabotaging the players experience on both teams. In the real world when people are proven to be mentally ill they have some of their legal rights taken away. I suggest a new type of "ban" where you get battleground deserter for a few days.
They won't be able to farm the whole team if it gets to there because the graveyard is the only convinient spot for them to do so . They can't farm you if you are all scattered around the whole battleground . I'm simply offering to put a debuff on them if they stay for more than 2 minutes on enemy graveyard . It doesn't even have to be a kicking out of battleground debuff .. you can make a debuff that decreases their forces or something like that . Do not get the wrong impression I am not a sore loser or anything like that . I am not saying battlegrounds should be only doing objectives either . I am simply offering you a solution to this problem which other people would agree with me on . It took me literally 5 months to get 100 Alterac Valley wins just because premades were only farming people ... I am currently on month 2 of WSG rep farm and i barely got to 5k/21k because i receive no help whatsoever ? You are definetely not making people lives like mine easier by not doing anything on the graveyard farm matter . I don't want to be disrespectful but not doing anything on the matter equals patronizing such behaviour ( which is letting op people demonstrating how powerful their team is while not allowing you to move even 1 step before you are killed . You and your team don't even have a SECOND to buff yourselves and try to defeat them . All that is left to do is just stay and let youself be farmed . If that is the point that you are trying to prove and you think that is fair , so be it ). That is all i have to say .
thats not what im saying, im pointing out what i think the premade itself is more problematic than the hk farming at gy.
lets say your suggestion with gy debuff implemented, premade will just 'lock' the other team down in different way, in wsg for example, they can just stay at middle bursting down scattered people from the other team, and just switch focus to flag carrier if anyone manage to the flag room or even just turtling on their own base letting the foods come by themselves.
in AV, they can just lock down the next closest thing to the gy where the debuff isnt applied, or the certain paths or areas like balinda's area, or even bridge/ramps farming on onyxia at vanilla phase at worst.
and then its just gonna be the same ****ty situation again, maybe with extra step
and we cant just restrict hk farming as its one of the most effective way to win wsg, av and ioc. we even have leaderboard for it. so restricting people to just do flags, bunkers, minibosses, it'll render bgs down into a race game.
tbf im just grateful these hk farmers dont lock down cities lmao. which gonna be funny, but come on, another day another complain.
Your suggestion wouldn't work. Any place you put a debuff like that and people will camp outside of it. Like in Eye of the Storm where you can't reach the spawn, players sit below it.
WSG is about capturing the flag, but part of that is allowing or denying space to the enemy. Most people don't understand this concept yet it's part of the main strategies people use to win many times unknowingly. If you can distract or control the enemy in a central location then you can win. That's why graveyard camping is allowed because you can control the game that way. Putting invincibility buffs on respawned players or putting the spawn out of reach etc. defeats that element of the game. Full control of the enemy team is part of it.
I do understand where you're coming from because there are a lot of BIS premades here and they abuse the mechanics of the BG for something other than capturing the flag. And that's because the incentive to capture isn't as relevant on an older server where people are maxed out. The people playing now have different motives than just winning. So ya that is annoying and decreases the quality of gameplay in battlegrounds. But just remember you have the same opportunity to find a couple other geared players to queue with to fulfill your own objectives.
HK farming itself isnt the problem but the people who would intentionally let the enemy team win for the sake of more HKs. These premades they would even try to false flag you as afk by reporting you all at the same time.