1. 3 Weeks Ago  

    Mage PVE ICC Gearing Question

    Hello everyone,

    I've been pondering about my next steps in fire mage itemization. This is my current gear:
    And as you can see I got all kinds of mixed gear, which is where the problem is. I'm sitting on 208 emblems of frost and not sure what would be a wise way to spend them. Is it maybe buying t10 head and legs pieces and loose a bit of stats to get that t10 4 piece bonus or maybe t10 legs and Ermine Coronation Robes (i know it's not bis but it's a damn good upgrade) and t10 legs to offset the hit I'll lose when replacing my current t9 chest piece? Or just wait for who know how long for VOA t10 legs and Vali chest.

    Hoping for some replies and thanking everyone in advance.

  2. 3 Weeks Ago  
    Get T10 asap.
    Clean icc/rs25 every week, get sanctified, get vali chest, offhand. Get wrist and back from RS.
    While you are doing that, start clearing it HC and go for BIS parts.

  3. 3 Weeks Ago  
    Would you say t10 chest and legs are good to fill 4 piece bonus for now? Since my head piece is rather good, and when I get Vali chest I can just get t10 head and still have bonus without losing anything.

  4. 3 Weeks Ago  
    You really want to grind another 95 eof[2 weeks min] just to keep random head item that gives you 20 sp or something? You will use vali chest in the end, so it's a waste to buy t10 chest.
    Basically farm every EOF you can every week, hope for t10 pants. As soon as you have enough for 4x, get it, I don't think even BIS items in sets slots will give you more than 18% dmg for 30 secs. Then what's left is to grind sanct/heroic marks and pre-bis/bis offsets.

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