1. 2 Weeks Ago  

    Best raid comp for wotlk mboxing?

    Hey, i wanted to set up a team to clear all wotlk raids solo.

    I like the idea of a dps able to heal during fight. So :

    TEAM 1:
    -pal prot ( judgement of light )
    -sham ele 51/0/20 (for +50 % restoration totem effect + 25 % with the glyph)
    -sham ele (same)
    -sham ele (same)
    -resto druid (+6% heal for everone + can instant cast aoe heal who can work if tank and team are spread)

    TEAM 2:
    -druid feral/balance/resto (depends of the fight)
    -sham ele (same)
    -sham ele (same)
    -sham ele (same)
    -resto druid


    I did some test on blackrock:

    > Sham healing stream totem at 3000 SP + glyph + talent heals for 450 every 2 s (but only for the team).
    So 450 * 3 > 1350 heal every 2 s > 675 hps

    >paladin jol heal for 400 (if 20khp) with around 50 % proc > 300 hps

    > druid aoe heal at 3k gs is 750 hps

    so 675 + 300 +750 = 1725 hps + 6% (druid aura) > 1828 hps for everyone almost passive (no need to click on team)


    shaman totem heal for 225 hps. Priest heal for 5 % of damage.
    >So a priest has to deal 4500dps to equal it
    >only work if your using single target spells
    >dots are huge part of SP damage and it's hard to otpimize with multiboxing, especially if you have to move during a fight cause it's a castsequence
    > pirest can't insta rez
    >harder to gear

    Do you think there is a better way to optimize this comp ?

  2. 2 Weeks Ago  
    Instead protection paladin you could use warrior. Often mass stuns are way more efficient + you can drum for 8% all stat on top of the hp shout.
    I'm clearing the dungeons with just two characters on heroic difficulty w/o problem - pwarrior and resto shaman, but they are both geared. Would be nice to mention your approx equipment as well.
    If you can afford to make 1400 arp, 5.61% crit reduction (combined from def/resil - 277 wf weap + swap for and during swaves, shield, legs should be enough) then go for it

    Shadow priest is chosen to be part of caster team because misery and shadow resistances, not healing, but imo there is no need of one even in mixed pvp setup.
    Edited: 2 Weeks Ago

  3. 2 Weeks Ago  
    Instead protection paladin you could use warrior. Often mass stuns are way more efficient + you can drum for 8% all stat on top of the hp shout.
    I'm clearing the dungeons with just two characters on heroic difficulty w/o problem - pwarrior and resto shaman, but they are both geared. Would be nice to mention your approx equipment as well.
    If you can afford to make 1400 arp, 5.61% crit reduction (combined from def/resil - 277 wf weap + swap for and during swaves, shield, legs should be enough) then go for it

    Shadow priest is chosen to be part of caster team because misery and shadow resistances, not healing, but imo there is no need of one even in mixed pvp setup.
    -I'm not sure if warrior mass stun work with raid boss. It looks great for dungeons, but i want the perfect/easiest team for raids. Just with JoL applied on the mob, a Paladin can heal for 300*10 = 3000hps in a raid

    yes, i could replace a shamy with a priest, but i don't know if stam buff + shadow resistance buff + 3% hit chance is worth. I can buff my team before the raid with a random priest

  4. 2 Weeks Ago  
    Sorry, thought it's for dungeons.

    -I'm not sure if warrior mass stun work with raid boss. It looks great for dungeons, but i want the perfect/easiest team for raids. Just with JoL applied on the mob, a Paladin can heal for 300*10 = 3000hps in a raid

    yes, i could replace a shamy with a priest, but i don't know if stam buff + shadow resistance buff + 3% hit chance is worth. I can buff my team before the raid with a random priest
    You can get pri' stamina buff from scroll, same as druid GotW. Those buffs are not important for PvE, I was talking about SP in PvP team.

    If you plan to do 10m raids then team up with another mboxer and discuss the full team with, because you can limit only up to 5 chars anyway and won't be taken on 25m raids like icc, rs or especially Ulduar, because the mechanics on most bosses there - would be too risky with 5 stacked chars and no random leader would allow it.

    Elemental shamans are not good pick. They can't dispel anything, the output is weak compared to any other caster out there, totem' healing is not noticeable either while getting solid hits from bosses plus those are party (gX), not raid effects. The only worth things from whole spec are 5% haste (Resto does have the same totem) and +3% crit on target affected by your ToW which doesn't have analogue and is Ele-only.

    Moonkin would be way better than priest in that case too, because on top of the IFF (=Misery) he'll bring 3% haste (if you don't already have Ret pala with SR) and 5% crit buff (same as ele' EO, doesn't stack) and combat ress (Rebirth). Demonology warlock would be good as well, because soulstone, healthstones and ofc Curses (Moonkin' E&M = CotE, but Tongues is very useful on some encounters). The SPower boost is not way higher than ToW/FTT but it's still worth it for the other set of utilities it'll bring to the raid. You can run the demo with Imp. Imp' hp buff = warrior hp shout, which doesn't stack either. The higher overwrites the weaker.

    Also RDruid' 6% bonus healing doesn't stack with ppal' IDA (Improved Devotion Aura) you already have in your team.
    Look out for healers which would provide 100% uptime of 10% physical damage reduction upon healing, like RSham or Disco (+PS). That way you won't have to use Sanctuary, but will be free to do Kings on everybody, without losing that PDR.
    It's worth replacing Ele with RSham and Moonkin. The only thing you'll lose is the +3% crit on ToW affected target.

    Get familiar with each class/spec utilities, especially what does and what doesn't stack. then you'll be able to plan and execute your strategy way more efficient.
    Edited: 2 Weeks Ago

  5. 2 Weeks Ago  
    You can 10 box in raids because the 5 man player limit doesn't count for instances.
    The issue with ele shami is that it deals low dps in end game content. Spriest does more dps, has better passive heal and dispersion is a life saver when you stay in fire.
    I used to multibox icc10, the composition i recommand to do it is :
    1 Palatank - 1 Rsham - perfect combo to solotank and soloheal almost every boss
    1 BalanceDruid with Tank offspec - for boss you want 2 tank (i.e. Saurfang)
    1 Warlock - for the buff / debuff
    6 shadowpriest - 3 vempiric embrace in each group will replace a raidhealer
    Check this thread for more info: https://forum.warmane.com/showthread.php?t=449324

  6. 1 Week Ago  
    Okay, starting off with a small caveat. I multibox 9 or 24man. I play with a dedicated healer. I'd recommend if new to raiding, to learn how to drive from healer pov, or come up with 2 healer rotations for 10man of 4-5 for 25man to tackle it.

    So.... 10man comps.

    There's a balance between direct damage and dot damage that seems to be the biggest "issue" I've come to find. I'd have these as two distinct categories, even tho, the only real dot class I'd run is a shadow priest, as warlock rotation is just too hard. Why's this? Because killing bone spikes, gunship trash, blood beasts, oozes, valkyrs, snobolds, mistresses of pains etc etc. Is hard with dot classes alone, well... Just less efficient. Try to balance it out.

    My typical 10man comp is as follows:
    Prot paladin
    (Second one for certain bosses)

    Hunter (not needed but nice and fun, easy rotation)
    Ele shaman X2 (dispel totems, nature res, etc are a nice luxury, easy rotation and good direct damage)
    Warlock (demo lock, lowest damage because rotation is hard to configure for it, but does good enough and provides demonic pact, summons for the group inside instance)
    Boomie (gives automatically applied 13% magic damage and is great direct damage)
    Mage (int buff, table, 3% damage buff as arcane, easy rotation and slaps single target damage)
    Shadow priest X2 (amazing damage when rotation is optimized, good passive healing and can tank a lot of aoe damage from mechanics)

    My pocket healer plays druid of paladin, whichever they prefer to. We have two different 10man comps, similar structure, that we used to gear for 25mans, which we've recently started running.

    What this group comp has been able achieve?

    Undying on naxx.
    Ulduar: no yogg, xt and council on hard mode tho.
    Toc: multiple, back to back mount runs on heroic.
    Icc: DBs on heroic, no LK yet.

    For better look on the raid comps we run you can also check "To the zoo" raid logs on armory, not sure if those will provide a lot, but might be of some use. Or if you have more specific questions regards to rotations, mechanics etc etc, hmu on discord - Nobsolo. My tool or choice is Isboxer, so a lot of things have been thought through that lense.

    Quickly on the topic of running multiple ele shamans to replace a healer, or any other class for that matter: why not? If you're stuck in a loop of healing singular character, and everyone is pushing those heals, even overheals, with no time to pump damage, you'll end up in a lot of miserable situations. Better to have a dedicated class, role, setup from it, to have the best control.

    The most important role is the healer, par none. Second is tank, and can sometimes be super finicky, but the healer is the backbone.

    When choosing for comp, think long term, what do you wish to achieve? If it's everything, make it versatile, make sure you're able to switch characters depending on the fight, etc etc. Those all help long term.

    GL on the journey
    Edited: 1 Week Ago

  7. 6 Days Ago  
    Hi there, i'm multiboxing from 3-4 months and my comp for icc10 is 4 Shadow Priest ,1 Boomy ,1 Resto Druid , 1 Warlock , Pala tank and gearing a Retri Pala atm (before him was with resto sham) and 1 friend plays what ever the raid needs,mostly Enha sham if im without a sham. We managed to get to PP with priest on 4k gs and now they are around 5.5k and the raids are extremly easy and fast. My personal view of the raids are when the SP was with low gear i needed second healer but now when they have like 50-60% of the druids healing i can focus on other game mechanics to max my dps ,like proper rotation for the balance and proper rotation on the warlock. Maybe the most hard boss atm is DBS cuz there you need healing but if the mark is on any SP is manageable.I personaly wont get ele sham in raid exept for the BL/Hero ,yes the rotation is easy with some castsequence macro but not worth the time to gear up so he can do less then a 5k SP... i like SP and now i aim for 10/12 bosses in ICC.

  8. 5 Days Ago  
    Why did you drop the resto shami? You can use him as raid or as tank healer and he provides BL. I think it would be a better pick than resto druide.

  9. 5 Days Ago  
    I don't exactly see the reason to try and build a rotation for a resto druid over shaman or disc priest. But each their own I guess. If going for both tank and raid healing, maybe there's a world where just having a rotation for aoe heal, few hots on MT and nourish spam can make a decent enough work at it, whilst resto shaman might be choosing not to heal the raid or the tank at once?

    Tho, having shadow priests with their aoe heal, judgement of light, and disc shields up to absorb the miscellaneous damage, with paired up renew uptime as well as penance, seems like one of the more solid ways to streamline a sequence.

    Who knows, haven't run in to a healing bottle neck yet, most problems that seem to be actual issues are just in game mechanics and their work arounds.
    Edited: 5 Days Ago

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