1. 2 Days Ago  
    or you guys can accept that you are playing on WARMANE FOR FREE and stop being entitled because something worked differently on a wow server 30 years ago. welcome to the present, we are playing warmane and have to respect their decision and no, they do not owe you anything just because you play on this server lol.

  2. 2 Days Ago  
    or you guys can accept that you are playing on WARMANE FOR FREE and stop being entitled because something worked differently on a wow server 30 years ago. welcome to the present, we are playing warmane and have to respect their decision and no, they do not owe you anything just because you play on this server lol.
    They actually owe us a lot because we are the consumers of their content. Without us there is no server. And we do pay... some of us pay a lot actually.

    I just want TBC and Wrath content. It's that simple.
    This right here. That's it.

  3. 2 Days Ago  
    I didn't say that was a reason. I wouldn't get into reasons, because I know how that sort of discussion always goes (the deleted off-topic posts should give a hint) and thankfully it's not part of my obligations to get into that. All I did was point out why no one should be surprised by the absence.
    So if you are aware, why you didn't link these examples then?
    Here is the reply on your question: Feel free to check when have 5v5 ever received rewards.

  4. 2 Days Ago  

  5. 1 Day Ago  
    My perception of the situation is that there is a disconnect between expected experience and the experience, and this is caused primarly from a lack of information readily consumable by users.

    -People will play 5v5 to get points, especially on a progression server, especially on TBC.
    -Increasing the competitiveness of arena mounts & titles is neither god nor bad, but perhaps a problem arises when a player is forced to decide between:
    > pushing 3v3 soloqueue (which does give a mount reward, but does not nearly as many points), or > play 5v5, stay competitve, get points, but is forced to resign mount.

    Changing 5v5 rewards at this point will create more frustration than maintaining it as is.

    PS. I'm still extremely salty that some of us missed 2 weeks of arena points earlier last month, personal raiting still hasn't been fixed.
    However, perhaps one of the classic popup banners can be displayed for players when creating their first arena team to display warmane specific rewards?
    The same could arguably benefit notifying players of the points and coins system on character creation.

  6. 1 Day Ago  
    Seems like there are a few people who are surprised to put in the effort but getting nothing. All I ask is for SOMEONE to get into the reasons why 5v5 is getting nothing. Warmane created custom rewards for a custom Solo Queue mode so why can't you just push the button that enables 5v5 rewards from TBC and into Wrath?
    The main reason it's different (in my opinion) is the flush. OG TBC didn't have this concept of you get nearly 700 points for losing 10 games in 5v5. Because of this LOADS of fake teams play 5v5 and just leave so it's instant wins. 5v5 has always been plagued by having only a handful of teams playing at one time (even in OG TBC) so if you and your serious team play, you may get the same or if you're lucky only 2 other teams.

    This leads to a HUGE possible exploitation. You could play 10-20 games against the same team who are 500 rating below you and don't care because they're just here for the flush. It means a competitive representative 5v5 ladder is impossible on this server.

    In 2v2 and 3v3 there are A LOT more teams so this is heavily diluted.

    I admit it's not great to play 5v5 and get nothing for you if it's a serious team however, it's too open to exploitation. A team could get Glad by just being tactical and farming fake teams a lot lower than them.

    So in my mind, this is why it is this way. Be happy the 5v5 flush is there at all for the players who need points to catch up. In OG TBC if you started pvping mid-season you're essentially catching up forever.

    My 2 cents!

  7. 1 Day Ago  
    back then there was also no solo q enabled to delete your 5vs5 team everytime u want to play it so not sure if we can compare it.
    the current team design allows only for either solo q or 5vs5 to be actively played and not both by the same guy

  8. 1 Day Ago  
    We already know the arguments about 5 v 5. Everyone that knows WoW understands this.

    But this existed in TBC. That's the game we want to play. I don't want a realm first level 80 tauren Wrath title for playing a pvp game mode that didn't exist. I don't want to ride a Wrath era TCG chicken around. We want 310 armored nether drakes. We want the fun excitement of 5 v 5. It's nostalgic.

    I've played on Icecrown for years and it's great. I came to play on Onyxia though because I want to relive the game I played 17 years ago. I loved Vanilla last year, I don't know why you guys are correcting so hard in TBC. That's the one we all wanted to play.

  9. 1 Day Ago  

  10. 20 hours ago  
    What about Arena Points gear discount? Is it going to happen before season ends or not?

  11. 19 hours ago  
    What about Arena Points gear discount? Is it going to happen before season ends or not?
    I am wondering the same. Are they not going to put out any info regarding this? What happens with next week of arena, no points since it will be wiped 26th?

  12. 5 hours ago  
    I am wondering the same. Are they not going to put out any info regarding this? What happens with next week of arena, no points since it will be wiped 26th?
    yeah is the appropiate momment to give info ... just 1 week left please

  13. What about Arena Points gear discount? Is it going to happen before season ends or not?
    curious about this as well, can we wait and dump our points on discounted s1 before s2 or should i just spend them all right now so i dont lose em

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